Chapter 8

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*one month later*
Harry's pov
I didn't hear from Mariam as she isn't answering me I remembered that I have her best friend's number Kristen she told me that Mariam isn't okay since I sent her back to England she doesn't want to eat or talk to anyone she says that she misses me I told her that I am coming to England but not to tell Mariam I want to surprise her Kristen said that she is already staying with Mariam and she won't tell her Mariam started to talk and eat as she is answering my texts when I tell her that I am coming to England soon she says that she can't wait I reached her house as I took the bouquet of flowers I got out of the car as I locked it then I walked towards the door ringing the bell stepping a step back Kristen open mouthed that she is in the kitchen “Kirsten who is it ?" she asked as I walked slowly towards the kitchen looking down she repeated the question since Kristen didn't answered the first time as she keeps calling her best friend's name as Kristen is now standing next to me I took the bouquet of flowers she is stood shocked “Is that really Harry Styles or you're pranking me Kristen ?" she asked Kristen laughed I started made silly faces she started fangirling then she ran towards me as Kristen took the bouquet of flowers then she jumped in my arms “okay guys I will leave you alone see you Mariam and nice to meet you in person Harry again" Kristen said as she putted the bouquet of flowers on the counter top then she collected her jacket and bag I walked towards the living room sitting as Mariam still being my koala she pulled away as she is wiping her tears like a little girl and I am playing with her hair she rested her head on my shoulder I am still playing with her hair “I have missed you and I already missing my family" she said her family she got off my lap as she walked to the kitchen “you never mentioned that ya miss your family" I said as I am already playing with her hair she walked towards the living room sitting already enjoying me playing with her hair as she drinks then she finished her drink “I haven't seen them since I moved in here for the university then I continued my life as you know" she said then the doorbell rang I told them to sent my suitcases to here I stood up then I walked towards the door opened “put them here" I said he did as told then he left I turned after I closed the door seeing her confused “what a boyfriend staying with his girlfriend" I answered her questioning face she giggled blushing I laughed then I walked towards her after I carried her bridal style towards the living room sitting she hidden her face on the crook of my neck I know that she isn't used to this yet “Harry but staying with me is a bad idea I mean that you are a celebrity I am a photographer anyway after the day of sending me back to here that the world now knew that I am also your girlfriend that is why I am stucked home since then" she said while she is walking towards the kitchen I followed wrapped my arms around her waist “and that night of the last concert I was in already gotten fans also plus while the concert that night I was getting hate and still thank you Harry Styles for ruining my life" she said I laughed at thank you Harry Styles for ruining my life as she turned her arms automatically wrapped themselves around my neck as she kissed then she pulled tonight I will take you out like any other normal couple I told you before what is said about you isn't true and don't let it effect you I will tell you I also use to care about the hate in the very beginning of my career as I was in a band with Niall Horan and Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson if you knew them as when I..." she cut me off continue “don't remind me I'll be honest in my opinion Louis Tomlinson who could be my father or brother" she said I laughed at Louis Tomlinson who could be my father or brother she rolled her eyes anyway continue" she said I continued telling her not to think about the hate she is getting from whoever “I don't know Harry it just makes me feel sick and it also makes me cry even ask Kristen" she said I careless her cheeks then I kissed her forehead after we walked to the living room sitting I wrapped my arm around her shoulder “and guess what which I know that I refused wanting to do oh my god calls from everywhere wanting to do interviews with me" she said excitedly then she laughed after she had a serious face as she saw my reaction “that is kinda good and bad I know that you never done interviews before but do them" I said she waved it off then she rested her head on my lap I know it is kinda good and bad but I know that you did interviews and TV shows blah blah blah & they will let us do interviews together blah blah blah I'll be honest I am not ready for this anyway Kristen was like fangirling over this when I comes to me she was like oh my god Mariam you got famous and popular around the world" she said I laughed which caused her to roll eyes “like I gotten in high school what the hell it freaked me out when it comes to me I am serious about this Harry by the way I hate you even though I love you oh this little freak Kristen agreed for me to do an interview in Ellen's show which is in few days" she added I got shocked by doing an interview with Ellen I will be honest she looks so cute when she is already nervous about doing her first interview babe babe I made an interview with Ellen when..." she cut me off I know I know now let me calm my nerve and muscle so I could kill Kristen" she said I laughed then I crashed my lips against hers which caused her to relax I'm still nervous and scared also freaking out I will die also can't believe that I am now famous and popular around the world but what makes me feel happy that I have fans Mariam Brown Jordan the photographer have fans fans fans" she said already squeezing my face she told me that her dream of being a photographer that her photographic skill of her photographing to be around the world like it is an art drawings and paintings not this shit of photographing artists of music I pouted “no no baby your music is one of my photographic skill like the art drawings and paintings even yourself is the art itself without being drawn by your fans who had the drawing skill no no you are the art itself" she said her face is closer to mine she blushed as she noticed me looking at her lips then she backed by sitting I laughed stop I can't believe that you're really here plus you are an idiot why  you didn't let me continue touring with you ? you were go..." I cut her off “because I was jealous that night when Paul come in LA" I said she giggled blushing then she kissed my cheek damn man she giggled blushing again “I'm all yours" she said then she got off the couch after she walked towards the door as she carrying my suitcases I stood up then I walked towards her “no I want you" I said then I took my suitcases from her hands she walked me towards the bedroom then she showed me where I could arrange my clothes and she had a walk-in closet then she told me that I could tour around the house until she finishes the dinner after I changed my clothes I started touring around her house then I walked towards the kitchen as she is now cooking dinner I look around “sorry about the closet it is has Kristen's clothes I didn't accept her to staying in she will come and take them tomorrow" she said I snorted a laugh waving it off I wrapped my arms around her waist she turned her head smiling I pecked her lips she prepared the table “do you want something else sir ?" she asked prentending that she holding a notepad and a pen then she laughed I joined she got seated then she stood up remembering something as she poured wine for me first then herself “are you trying to be romantic ?" I asked she blushed then she laughed after she finished pouring the wine actually “I am not good at this so I am just welcoming you in my house even though we are now dating am I not good enough for you ?" she answered asking I kissed her knuckles she blushed then we continued eating “I don't usually drink anything with the dinner also I don't make dinner like I am make a sandwich just a little meal since I am lonely girl" she said patting her eyelashes at I am lonely girl I narrowed my eyes which caused her confusion she smiled and for me it looks fake “I mean that now I have a boyfriend" she said I wiggled my eyebrows which caused her to roll eyes but he is traveling and don't have..." I cut her off I knew in five months extra I..." she cut me off “yeah I don't want fame like at all but it is too late then there will be money and if my family appeared in the picture of us it will be worse than ever before we meet" she said already in the kitchen washing I collected the plate and the glass of wine I ate and drank in them then I walked to the kitchen I putted the empty plate and the glass “I know it is hard for you to believe all of these things that happened anyway I don't like the word famous so I am living my life like the normal people I know that the paps annoys you, you aren't the only one on earth that they do this to them and about the hate don't let it effect you imagine that you don't have any haters at all" I said she is already leaning against the sink “babe don't look back live your life" I added already careless her cheeks she nodded smiling I walked towards the bathroom “but it still hard and being someone big is also hard & it is freaking me out that I do interviews and TV shows blah blah blah, I can't handle this all together Harry" she said while I am drying my hair and mouth “take them step by step until you can also ya will get used to them" I said she rolled her eyes smiling I carried her bridal style “I am serious and one of them was a dream & be true" I said she throw her head back I laughed then I suggested we sleep to end the day she agreed we gotten in each other's arms drifting off to sleep shutting down the day

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