Chapter 41

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Mariam's pov
I am taking a tan before we leave Australia tonight something let no sunshine on me I was going to yell about whoever as I saw it is him as we kissed as he layed on the bleacher next to me I stood up as I am wearing my bikini as I feel his eyes on me as he pushed his sunglasses of the bridge of his nose as I walked towards the pool as I jumped in as I swim it is a private one that is why nobody asked for a picture or an autograph I looked at him as he is on his own world I got out as I walked towards him as I crossed my arms he putted his sunglasses on the top of his head I putted my hands on my waist as he wonders what I want I rolled my eyes I am not swim..." he cut me off “I didn't know that you were going for a swim" he said as he putted his sunglasses back on his eyes I stamped my feet let us go for a walk" he suggested I looked at him as I narrowed my eyes then I stucked my tongue out he stood straight “come on babe dry and let's go" he said I stood up as I dried as I putted the shirt and jeans short on as we walk as a girl stopped us she took a picture with him only and autograph as they are talking now god fans and shit I walked as their conversation doesn't end what the hell are they talking about I walked towards the elevator it is good that I had the key as someone called my name “are you Mariam Brown Jordan ?" he asked smiling I nodded confusedly as I noticed a camera handing on his shoulder and a piece of paper and a pen on his hands as well he is wearing a suit which caused me to know that he is a journalist as he is smiling creepily like an idiot as he already holding this piece of paper and a pen out “baby where..." Harry stopped as he noticed that journalist as he also greeted as he gives him an autograph as he whispered to me to giving him also which caused me to do as the elevator came Harry pushed me in it as he pressed the button I laughed “where did he came from" he said annoyingly I laughed as I struggled my shoulders as we know that he ask questions none of his business journalists and paps “I also got shocked and he was like are you Mariam Brown Jordan" I said mockingly as Harry laughed as we know a lot of people around the world doesn't even know who am I which is so good for me I putted a serious face “what does that fan girl was talking to you about ?" I asked as I crossed my arms as he remembered when he was talking to a fan as I wait for my answer he just walked to me “it is not important you are more important" he answered I wrapped my arms around his neck as I didn't care about the whatever that fan was talking to him about those fans are talking to him about some shit not important to me “are you ready for tonight babe ?" he asked smiling as he already moved his hands on my butt I hummed nodding “we're going to have fun tonight" he said I hummed the weather is getting hotter by the second I can't handle “did you planned something for us tonight before we leave ?" I asked he shook his head I pouted he kissed it away I ran my fingers through his curls he closed his green eyes “I can't believe that we did it in a row you finished me in a row" he said I hummed we pulled away as we heard the elevator opened as we noticed that is our floor as we walked towards our suite as I unlocked the door he grabbed me by waist after he closed the door behind us “babe I am already feeling sore" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck he pouted cutely then he let me go as I walked towards the balcony after a second he came as his arms already wrapped around my waist as he kisses my neck leaving love bites and hickeys I hold my moans as we are already in the balcony I turned “please controller should be in public places and areas" I warned as I walked us in as he almost became clumsy as he spread kisses all over my face god Harry please as he laughed as I shut my eyes then I jumped on as I hidden my face as he is trying to kiss Harry please stop kissing as he ended kissing the back of my neck to my spine shit I ran towards the bathroom as I need to shower from swimming in the pool as I already started showering “shit I thought that something is wrong" he said I laughed then I finished as I told him to get me a towel as he teased a bit then he gives me I wrapped around then I got out we should control ourselves you are killing me by all that love and feelings & emotions and romance you have for
me I..." he cut me off I can't miss a day without giving them to my girl" he said smiling as he kisses my shoulder I wiggled that man is driving me nuts I can't handle myself together I can't stop handle him and his love “stop I can't handle you I don't know which feeling to catch" I said he laughed then he carried me bridal style out of the bathroom to the bed I get dressed as he already watching I never loved a woman all these love as you" he said I rolled my eyes while I am brushing my hair “of course you are catching women of the certain age and type & size and shape sorry mama Anne your son is trying to make me jealous" I said he laughed I turned as I clean the hair brusher from my hair I rolled my eyes idiot “I never seen a man who dates women way too old for him than you" I said then I walked towards my suitcase as I collect my clothes he sighed loudly as he sit up straight “it is none of your business it is my life and..." he stopped I rolled my eyes as I waved it off I am used to being talked sassy to me from the fans and some paps and journalists, interviewers even though it hurts and I hold myself together to prove to the people that I am confident and I don't care about you hating on me for no reason “babe I..." I cut him off “it is fine no difference between you and the others who hates" I said then I carried my suitcase and stuff nearby the door I got my phone as I got seated on the bed as I texted mum and Kristen I putted my phone away as I see him looking down I remember that I once tried to suicide back then five years ago when we were in hotel back in Germany or somewhere I don't remember exactly I wiped my tears and nose as I layed

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