Chapter 39

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Mariam's pov
I am with him as they are styling his hair I noticed that there is another woman who also a photographer as she took some pictures of my baby boy she is sweet and friendly her name is Helen in just a second we became friends and his hairstylist I let her style my hair in braids I even putted makeup he loved my braids as he call them cute and adorable I don't know why I am so happy and excited to watch my baby boy like usual Harry finished putting makeup and styling his hair I don't want him to style his hair I love those curls as I ran my fingers through them when we cuddle and kiss Mariam it isn't time to think about those naughty things I catched him staring I smiled fakely as he laughed everyone in the room is busy so nobody is paying attention to Harry and I as they are preparing his outfit I stood up after I walked towards him as he leaned back against the chair “you will be between them or ?" he asked whispering as I am already standing between his legs as he looks at me “between them so I could dance and sing along with my baby boy" I answered he smiled then he stood up to put his outfit on as I help after I kissed his neck as he walked towards the mirror as he smiles at me through it that is my boy he is always handsome I can't stop looking at him “Mariam we see you often" one of them said as I can feel her hand on back I laughed then I walked towards him “you look so handsome I can't stop looking at you" I complained he laughed then he took my hand “you look so beautiful and cutest baby girl" he complained I swing our hands I took my phone out of my purse as I take a mirror selfie as I see his adorable smile as I continued selfies and pictures until they call him on the stage “you guys are so cute couple" one of them complained while taking a picture of us I took my phone as I felt his arms already wrapped around my waist as he already putted his chin on my shoulder as I look at the selfies and pictures we took I don't think that anyone from his crew and management team knows about Harry's private life are you okay babe ?" he asked I nodded then I putted my phone back in the purse I don't have crew and management team I am living free I don't like anyone to control me I don't think that Harry is control also “what we will do after your show ?" I asked smiling he started thinking then he struggled his shoulders I laughed “we will cuddle and kiss & watch the TV" I answered as I whispered cuddle and kiss he hummed nodding smiling then he kissed my forehead as he is now going to the stage as some people noticed me as they waved I waved “hey Mariam can we ?" the girl asked I nodded smiling as her friend stood next to me and other as their third friend who took the picture as they had a fourth friend “thanks Mariam we love you" one of them said someone squealed as I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was looking at the stage as a girl squeal my name I squealed “you are so cute" she complained as she takes a video as I waved at the camera as she wanted me to say hi to her friend as I hugged her she left as the show started and the usual screaming fans when he appears on the stage I miss when I used to be photographing him as he dances and sings in the middle of the show my phone rang I took it out as I saw it is Kristen oh my god I have missed her I walked out as I went behind the stage as I answered as she squealed I squealed back as I laughed as she sounded like a crazy fan as she said I am your biggest fan really shut up Kristen" I said as we laughed as she said that she really misses me and Harry stole me from her I laughed “okay Niall stole you from me wawa shut up he didn't" I said as I heard that familiar laugh I rolled my eyes “girl are you fucking kidding me" I said whispering she giggled as she knew that I noticed that she is with Niall I can't handle a single day without seeing him he..." I cut her off “shut up I am not ready to be a third wheel on the phone by the way when I came back I will kill you as you know..." she cut me off by giggling as it sounded fake as she knows that I know that she isn't take caring of company I shook my head as I rolled my eyes “I am not going to stay in your company the twenty four hours Mariam I have other responsibilities" she said I laughed other responsibilities really Kristen I rolled my eyes “other responsibilities to suck his face" I said as she got silent I wiggled my eyebrows as she can't see no just responsibilities of..." I cut her off “shut up Kristen you don't have other responsibilities and I'm sorry for applying you to work in my company" I said then I hanged up as I putted my phone back in my purse as I walked out as there are tour buses and cars the people whom were closer to me is ruining my career which Paul and Kristen yes Paul is my ex but we were friends and now Kristen all what I build for myself is getting ruined by them since I knew Harry I am not blaming him but it is them who I should blame as my phone started ringing as I got it out seeing it is Niall which caused me confusion “hey Niall ?" I answered as he greeted back as I hear Kristen also I sighed as I wait for one of them to speak “Mariam my phone has die anyway I..." I cut her off “Kristen it is fine if you are happy with Niall and my company isn't important to you as it to..." she cut me off “hey hey I am taking a very good care of you we are taking a very good care of your company and..." I cut her off “we ? Is Niall whatever thank you I love you so much Kristen I know that you don't want to ruin my career and what I have been dreaming of as you are my sister and..." she cut me off “we have a surprise for you when you come back I..." I cut her off surprise for me really I should come back right now" I said they laughed i can't believe that they had a surprise for me “unfortunately the surprise Niall who..." she got cut off by his whining I laughed I rolled my eyes as I shook my head “I am not stealing him from you I already have Harry anyway I don't want surprises thanks bye see you soon" I said as I heard her saying wait but I hanged up I don't think that he made a surprise for me as Kristen just saying that to make sure that I am not mad at her I remembered that Harry and I about having a child I sighed as I walked back in as his show is almost ending as he is blowing kisses at his fans as he climbed as he saw me as he pulled “what is wrong babe ?" he asked as his hands already on my lower back I shook my head as he is sweaty I didn't care as he just kissed my forehead as we walked towards the car as he drove us back to the hotel as we reached as he went to have a shower as I got changed as I removed my makeup as I got seated against the headboard as I switched the TV on after long he came as he is wearing a shirt and short as he crawled into the bed as we watch “babe you don't look okay something happened" he said I told him that I have a call with Kristen as she called me also she talk to me from Niall's phone as her phone died as I talk about the company and she isnt taking it is responsible of it as she is saying that she other responsibilities since she doesn't have any she is just saying making no sense as she has nothing to do at all “she is just spending time with sucking Niall's face I never imagined her to be that selfish and betrayal kind..." he cut me off “babe relax and what you build isn't falling down at all I don't think that Kristen wants to..." I cut him off “whatever my company is my golden part of my career Harry and I am not ready for losing it just because of Kristen is dating Niall and making him responsible for herself I don't hate her neither him I just can't believe her as she wants to ruin my career and dreams as I build them I can't believe that she could change herself for a man" I said as I got out of the bed she is stupid to change herself for Niall I don't think that he is caring about this I walked towards the bedroom I can't believe the women who changes themselves for men “babe she is stupid to change herself for a man like..." I cut him off “I know I..." he cut me off by kissing I wrapped my arms around his neck I ran my fingers through his curls he lifted me up as he walked out of the bathroom as he switched the TV off as he keeps saying that he loves me then he unzipped my dress as he pulled my straps off my shoulders as he started kissing my chest and shoulders then he touched my chest and shoulders “I want you wear a strapless dress or any outfit strapless especially bra" he said smiling as he whispered strapless bra I slapped his cheek lightly as he laughed I rolled eyes “I never talked about women wear I just saying that you are beautiful and amazing as well kindhearted and I love you so much & you left this tour I would be brokenhearted and sad, mad even..." I cut him off “babe nooooooooooooooo I'll stay until the end of this tour" I said he kissed as our tongues started playing as we took my dress fully off to the carpeted floor as he flipped us as he made me sit on his lap as we kiss and our tongues started playing as his won as he explored my mouth as now our tongues going in and out each other's mouths as I pulled his curls lightly as he pushed his hips “do you ?" he asked whispering I nodded then I got off his lap he pulled his short off as he pulled me between his legs “I want to eat you" he said whispering as his fingers curls on my panites only I want him so bad as he dropped himself I climbed on the bed as I dropped my panites as he sniffed stop he throw it away as he is already biting his lip as I got down slowly sitting on his face he held my hips as I felt his tongue and lips shit that is so amazing I let it all out as he moans as he patted my hips as I moved “so delicious food I ever eaten out" he said smiling as I already got seated on his already hard he moaned as he pulled his shirt off as he is now in only his boxers as we kiss as our tongues going in and out each other's mouths as I taste myself on his mouth I moaned he hummed I pulled his boxers off as well I took my bra off as I lined him inside of me as I move as we moan as he grabbed my butt as he touches the spot I moaned he hold me both of his arms around my waist I held on his shoulders as he moved us up and down shit I can't handle myself together I connected our lips he moaned in my mouth as I careless his cheeks as I moaned he grabbed my butt “come with me babe" he moaned as I throw my head back as we came together as he pulled out as we dropped next to each other as we smile as he already spread his arms I rested my head on his chest as our breath turned to normal I feel so happy and lucky even I feel so good “Mariam Brown Jordan I love you so freaking much" he said smiling happily I laughed then I kissed his chest “Harry Edward Styles I love you so freaking much more" I said smiling happily as I layed upside down as my feet against the wall and headboard as I got closer as I connected our lips he moaned smiling as we pulled today was the best" he said smiling I hummed nodding smiling back in agreement as I closed my eyes then I felt his lips against mine for the second time as I automatically kiss back he parted my lips as I sucked his tongue he layed his head on my lap as I crashed my lips he moaned as he layed next to me I reconnected our lips we are going to spend it kissing" he said laughing I hummed nodding smiling as I careless his cheeks as I already held the headboard as we kiss I can't stop myself I can't stop myself" I breathed out as I got off my lap as I putted his shirt as I tie my hair randomly as he grabbed my butt I elbowed he laughed then he already wrapped his arms around my waist I combed his curls I wrapped one arm as we kiss as he lifted me off I screamed as he laughed when I found myself on the top of him we layed “that is crazy I never imagined myself to love you that much like I can't describe how" I said smiling he hummed I got rolled as we kiss one last time as I crawled to the pillows as he already wrapped his arm

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