seven [penelope]

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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."


Penelope made her way through the crowd of people toward the exit. It was nearing 10:00 p.m. and the convention was over for the night. People were filing out of the convention center and Penelope bit her bottom lip as she tried not to get stepped on, pushed, elbowed and shoved about from everyone else. She shouldn't have stayed this late, but it was Friday Night and from what she's read Friday and Saturday for any convention are always the best days. Penelope sighed in relief when she stepped outside and she found a bus bench down the sidewalk. Taking out her phone, she saw her battery was at 30%, not great but it was enough to call Elijah and tell Klaus she was ready.

She asked Klaus if the two of them could go to Rousseau's afterward because she really wanted some of that gumbo. Oddly he was happy to oblige. She's been making an effort with him the past few days, asking to do stuff with him and half the time he'll say no, however she found if she mentions Rousseau's he'll comply.

"Hello my love," Elijah greeted her after the first ring. Penelope smiled.


"How was your day?"

"Oh my God! Elijah it was so much fun! It was more fun than yesterday!" She gushed as she began pacing the sidewalk. "Wait, first, did Klaus leave yet? He's supposed to pick me up and we're going to Rousseau's after..."

"He left not that long ago," Elijah answered.

"Okay," Penelope nodded. "Oh! So you know how I told you they offer paid workshops this weekend?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Well...I did a few of them..."

"Good," Elijah commented and she could hear the smile in his voice. "As you should."

"Well... one of them was a chocolatier workshop." Penelope smiled. "Did you know that each chocolatier has their own cocoa bean roasting formula, recipe thing?" She asked.

"I did not," Penelope couldn't tell if he was just saying that to keep her going or if he truly didn't know. There was no end to what that man had knowledge of.

"Well, I got to make my own chocolate today," Penelope told him proudly.

"Did you?" Her smile grew when she heard the pride in his tone. "How did that turn out?"

"It turned out really good, but...I also followed what the chef was doing step by step with him so... but, we all got our own bag of cocoa beans and the recipe so I can make you some! I'll of course practice while I'm away and make it my own but-"

"It's something to look forward to?" He finished softly.

"Yeah...and to keep me busy..."

"Well, I can't wait. I'm sure they'll be delicious."

"Oh, guess what else!"

"Yes, my love?"

"I also got to do a pastry workshop with Paul Hollywood!" Penelope exclaimed and even though she knew Elijah had no idea who that was. "It was so cool! Pastry's are a little hard, but-"

"Something to keep you busy?" Elijah asked, chuckling.


"Have you given more thought about opening a bakery?" He asked her softly and Penelope bit the inside of her cheek.

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