nine [penelope]

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Trigger Warnings: vomiting/puking, physical torture, and death.

"It doesn't matter where I am. I'm yours."


Penelope groaned as she moved her head. It was throbbing so much she could feel her pulse through her temples. Her shoulders hurt, they felt stiff; her whole body hurt and was stiff. She swallowed, her mouth was dry and felt like she had eaten sand. Penelope groaned again as she clenched her eyes shut once before she slowly opened them again. Even opening her eyes was painful. Blinking a few times, Penelope was able to adjust to the light that was coming through the window. She looked around her, groaning as she stretched her neck. She was in a room that had spray paint designs all over the walls, broken bottles, wood planks littered all over the floor, and none of the windows had glass. She thought the room she was in was a safety hazard. She went to stand up but felt something tug on her wrist.

"What the fuck?" She whispered, her voice was hoarse and she swallowed again, hoping to lubricate her throat. It didn't work. Penelope looked confused as she pulled on the metal chains latched onto her wrist.

"Oh, good, you're awake," A female voice greeted her. Penelope looked up and saw a woman with dark skin and thick, curly hair.

"The tour guide?" She hissed, glaring at her.

"Hi," Sabine smirked at Penelope, but the girl only glared at her. "My, my... you have no idea how surprised I was on Tuesday when Elijah Mikaelson was in my tour group. He didn't seem the type and then I saw him you," She hissed as she walked closer to Penelope. Standing in front of her, the woman tossed a water bottle down, letting it roll towards Penelope. "I knew you'd come back at some point but I was hoping he would've given up on you by now." Sabina sighed dramatically as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Penelope only stared at the woman with confusion and she began shaking her head. "I-I don't understand..."

"You don't understand...what?"

"How do you know Elijah? How do you know me and what-"

"What you are?" She asked, cutting her off. "You're a heartmate, you and Elijah. However Elijah can't be killed so we kill you instead."

"What?" Penelope asked breathlessly, frowning in confusion.

"Mhm, heartmates are special, it takes a lot of powerful magic to create them," Sabine started. "That magic is in their blood, and it's... it's powerful," She continued her lips spreading into a sinister smirk as she crouched down to stare at Penelope. "I felt it course through my veins once and it was like a drug. It enhanced all of my magic, it made me so powerful. I can't wait until I can feel it again," The woman chuckled before standing up to her feet and then she began making her way to the door. Penelope reached forward and grabbed the water bottle. "By the way...try not to drink all that water," She started up again and then turned to Penelope with a smirk. "You only get a bottle a day so make it last," She warned her and Penelope glared at the woman. "Oh, I almost forgot one more thing."

"And what's that?" Penelope spat.

"I didn't answer your first question," Sabina smirked. "You asked how I knew Elijah...and I know him very well," She continued and Penelope began to feel sick to her stomach in the suggestive tone the woman's voice. "Let's just say...I know first hand just how well he can make a woman scream." With that, the dark woman walked out of the room, letting the door slam shut behind her.

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