ten [elijah]

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"It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it..."

-Nicole Richie

"Come in," Elijah replied when he heard a soft knock on the door. Elijah was sitting in his and Penelope's room, it was the only place in the house he could go and get a few moments of peace.

"Elijah..." The soft voice of his sister reached him and he looked over at her. He tried to give her a small smile but he couldn't. He nodded slowly before looking down at Penelope's engagement ring and began twisting it around his index finger. "I love you but you look like a mess," She said gently as she sat next to him on the bed. Elijah wanted to scoff at his sister's words, but he knew they were true. It's been three days since Penelope went missing, and he still hasn't found her. He was still wearing the same suit he wore Friday night, he hadn't shaved, and he knew his hair was a mess. He was a mess.

"We've looked everywhere..." Elijah whispered in defeat. "I don't know where else to look. Sophie Deveraux has tried every locator spell we have and the result is still the same. Nothing..."

"We'll find her, Elijah. I know we will," Rebekah gave him a small smile as she linked her arm with his, resting her head on his shoulder. "We'll find a way to get past that cloaking spell..."

"If she's still alive..." Elijah whispered, his voice breaking. He closed his eyes as he closed his hand around Penelope's ring.

"Don't...don't think that way-"

"How can I not?" Elijah asked, turning to Rebekah. Doubt, defeat, and brokenness was all she could see in his eyes and she can't ever remember a time she's seen him like this.

"You two came back together for a reason-"

"Rebekah we... every century I've seen her, every century I've been with her..." Elijah whispered, tightening his grip around the ring. "And every century she's died..."

"You can't let your mind go there Elijah, you can't."

"It's the only place it will go, Rebekah. It's the only place it can go! I-I can't go a minute wondering if she's still alive, and if she isn't...if my Penelope is dead... all I think about is: she died alone, she died feeling scared..." Elijah let out an unsteady breath as he let his head fall into his hands. "If she has to die, I'd at least want her to die in my arms, feeling loved." He whispered. He felt the tears begin to sting his eyes but he couldn't let his sister see him cry. That was why he went to his and Penelope's room. It was the one place he could let his walls down before forcing himself to be collected again. Elijah felt Rebekah's arms wrap around him.

"You can't think that way... Penelope wouldn't want you to think that way, and you know that," He did know that, he knew his sister was right. "You know Penelope is strong. You and I have made sure if the occasion ever arises, she can take care of herself..." Rebekah reminded him, and Elijah only clenched his eyes tighter. "The occasion has come, Elijah, and Penelope is going to survive this. Not just because of how you've prepared her...but because you love her. She knows you are doing everything you can to find her right now. Don't you think that gives her the strength everyday to hold on?" Rebekah asked him. Elijah sniffed and lifted his head to look at his sister. Her hair seemed to be a little longer, and she wasn't 100% put together like she always is, none of them were. Finding Penelope was too important to them. He saw her blue eyes begin to grow glossy as she blinked, giving him a sad smile.

"Rebekah..." Elijah whispered and he bit his lip, trying to hold back the overwhelming emotions. Fear, guilt, grief, anger...it was all becoming overwhelming and it was times like this that he wished he was able to turn it off. "I need you to promise me something..."

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