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"It is crazy how much love you can have for someone you have never met."


Penelope smiled as she stared down at the black and white ultrasound picture of her baby. Their baby. She was already imagining what it would look like when it's born. Would the baby have their brown hair? Or would it have the blond recessive trait that both their families had? Would the baby have her blue eyes or Elijah's brown eyes? Were they having a girl or a boy? She had asked, but the nurse said it was too early to tell and they'll most likely be able to find out at her twenty-week check up. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" Penelope asked lightly.

"I'm just happy we're having a baby," He replied, his voice was soft and light as if he was still stuck in a dream. "I'm happy with either," Elijah answered, his eyes still on the road.

"I think you'd be the best girl dad," Penelope said with a smile, looking over at him and Elijah only chuckled. "But I could also see you dressing up our baby boy in little matching suits," She added, her smile only growing and so did Elijah's laugh.

"Well, no matter what comes first," He started. "Once we figure out how we got pregnant, then we'll just do it again until we get the other."

"How many babies are you planning on getting out of me?" She asked as her eyes widened in surprise at him.

"As many as you're willing to give," He answered, then smirked when he heard her scoff playfully at him.

"Are we going to tell the family tonight at dinner or do you want to wait?" Penelope asked him nervously.

"Well, it's better to tell them now. Remember how offended Rebekah was when you didn't tell her right away when we got engaged?" Penelope laughed as she nodded.

"You're right, we should tell them tonight," She said, smiling as she looked back down at the ultrasound picture, but then her smile fell. "Oh no..."

"What?" He asked, turning to look at her once he stopped at a red light.

"How are we going to tell my dad?" She asked him, looking back over at him with a frown. Elijah didn't say anything at first, instead he took a deep breath and once the light turned green he started to drive again. "Not only that, how are we going to explain it to my dad? He doesn't exactly know all about us," She said.

"I don't know," Elijah answered after a minute or so of silence.

"I mean we can't just hide it from him for nine months, especially if they're coming to the wedding in October, I'll definitely be showing by then, right?" She asked. Then she pulled out her phone and looked up what an eighteen and nineteen week pregnant belly looked like. "Eh...I mean, most womens aren't too big....I think I could get away with hiding it-"

"And how are we going to explain an actual baby?" Elijah asked her, already disapproving her choice of hiding it. Penelope let out a long sigh, resting against the seats headrest.

"Why are you always so logical?" She asked as she turned to look at him; Elijah was smirking as he continued to focus on the road. When they were finally out of the city, Elijah pulled over on the side of the road. Penelope frowned when the car shifted into park and she looked at Elijah with confusion. "What is it?"

"Get in the back seat," He told her and she frowned even more. Elijah turned to her, and she held her breath when she saw the familiar dark look in his eyes, the same dark look he gave her when he was about to fuck her. "Get in the backseat, and take your clothes off. Now." He ordered her and all Penelope did was nod her head. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she quickly got out of the passenger side and slipped into the back seat. Once the door shut, Penelope tore off her t-shirt, and then reached for her leggings, shoving them and her panties down her legs. Elijah stared at her through the rear view mirror, his cock growing harder at how quickly she was undressing for him. Unbuckling his own seatbelt, he got out of the driver's side and slipped into the backseat beside her and then locked the car.

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