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"But do they love you harder on the days you're struggling and feel unlovable."


Elijah smiled as he kissed Little Bump, then rested his head on Penelope's chest. "Good morning," He whispered, his smile grew when he heard the little heartbeat. He sighed as he closed his eyes, paying attention to both Little Bump's heartbeat and Penelope's. He felt himself smile a little more when he felt Penelope's fingers run through his hair. "Good morning, my love," He said gently.

"Morning," She whispered. He sat up and smiled at her, and she gave him a small one in return.

"How did you sleep?" He asked and she nodded. "How are you feeling?" He asked, hoping she would finally confide in him with what's been bothering her for the last week. The first few days were rough for them; she had kept pushing him away and shutting down. Penelope hardly left their room unless it was to get something to eat or drink. After the third day he grew concerned, but every time he would ask her about it, she would tell him she'll be fine.

"Fine," She told him, giving him a thin smile. He raised his eyebrow at her but decided to say nothing. He moved to lay beside her and he started to brush her hair away from her face.

"Any nausea this morning?" He asked and she shook her head, he gave her a small smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Want me to bring you anything to eat?"

"Some toast and fruit?" She asked, giving him a small smile. He nodded, leaning in and kissing her cheek. "Oh and waffles..." She whispered hopefully. Elijah chuckled and nodded before slipping out of bed. He grabbed a t-shirt from a drawer and tugged it on before leaving the room.

Entering the kitchen, Elijah went to the fridge and grabbed a blood bag and a bowl of cut fruit; he began drinking as he began to take out ingredients to make Penelope's waffles. "I'm guessing by the human food and lack of suit, Penelope is feeling better?" Rebekah asked cautiously as she took a blood bag from the fridge.

"I don't know," Elijah answered, throwing the bag away. "Her taking up my offer to get her something to eat is an improvement," He added as he took out the waffle maker from the cupboard. "I'm hoping whatever it is she's going through is just because of her pregnancy hormones."

"I'm sure it is," Rebekah assured him with a forced smile and Elijah narrowed his eyes at her.

"You haven't spoken with her at all since you two came home from the dress shopping," Elijah stated as he turned the waffle maker on. Rebekah sighed as she placed the empty blood bag on the counter and avoided Elijah's gaze.

"She got mad at me," Rebekah told him reluctantly. Elijah's brows rose in surprise at the news, Penelope was never mad at Rebekah. There were times when Penelope and Rebekah got annoyed with each other, but whatever was going on between them was usually always resolved rather quickly.


"I bought a wedding dress..." Rebekah answered guiltily. Elijah frowned in confusion at her, pausing what he was doing.


"There was this woman who was a real bitch to Penelope over this dress, and I saw the look on Penny's face when she saw the dress, and this woman tried to take it from her so I stepped in," Rebekah started and Elijah raised an eyebrow, silently telling her to continue. "Penny tried on the dress...and, Elijah...she looked so beautiful. Out of every dress she tried on, the look on her face when she looked in the mirror, I could see it in her eyes, that was the dress. So I went to find her a veil so she could get the whole effect but that bitch came back and made comments on Penny's weight, and how she still had time to lose it before the wedding and I cut in and said she didn't need to lose any weight, and this woman thought Penny had just eaten a big lunch. I called her a cow and told her that Penelope was pregnant. Then Penny went to go change and when she put the dress on the hook outside, that bitch went to take it from her but I grabbed it first and I bought it so-"

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