eight [elijah]

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"I've developed this fear, and I fear everyday of losing you."


Elijah sighed in relief when he heard the front door open. He walked out of his study, but he stilled when he didn't hear Penelope's heartbeat. Fear filled him as he met his brother, alone, at the front door. Klaus stood there, avoiding his gaze. No... was the only thing running through his head. "Where is she?" Elijah asked, his voice was weak and barely audible. Klaus parted his lips but no words came out and Elijah leaned against the banister to keep himself upright. He felt as if his heart was being ripped apart inside of him. "Where is she?" He asked, his voice becoming firmer as he gripped the wooden banister.

"She wasn't there when I arrived..." Niklaus told him. "There was a lot of traffic, and people..."

"I spoke to her...not even an hour ago..." Elijah whispered as he leaned all his weight against the wood as it was the only thing keeping him stable. "How..."

"Someone must've been watching her. They knew she would be at that convention center."

Elijah clenched his eyes shut as he leaned his back against the banister. All the worst possible scenerio's were rushing through his mind, but the only thing he could focus on was: Penelope wasn't there, she was gone. She couldn't be gone, she couldn't be. He just spoke with her... she was supposed to come home and tell him all about the baking shows, show him all the photos and all the recipes she was going to try. She was so excited to make her own chocolate for him...she couldn't be gone. "When did she text you that she was ready to leave?"

"9:30..." Klaus replied slowly. Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose as he clenched his jaw.

"We need a locator spell," Elijah said after a moment as he collected himself. "We need to find a witch...get a locator spell," Elijah pushed himself from the banister and made his way upstairs to his and Penelope's room. He paused, hovering at the door for a moment before taking a deep breath and walked into their room. Elijah looked around as heavy sadness fell over him again. He hadn't been in since she had left and everything was still the same. He could smell her perfume lingering in the air. He chuckled sadly as he saw Penelope's cream, sheer, short sleeved cardigan on their bed. She had changed her mind on wearing it and hadn't put it away before she left. Elijah picked it up as he sat on her side of the bed, he held it close to him, taking in her scent mixed with her perfume. Letting out an unsteady breath, he blinked away the tears that were beginning to sting his eyes. Elijah looked over and took Penelope's engagement ring from the bedside table and held it gently between his fingers; a part of him was now thankful and glad she had decided to not wear it that weekend. He enclosed his hand around it and clenched it tightly in his fist as he held Penelope's cardigan close.

Elijah allowed himself another moment, taking in her scent, committing it to memory. He was going to find her, he wasn't going to lose her this time. Standing up from the bed, Elijah placed her cardigan back down on the bed before putting her engagement ring into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. Going to her suitcase and unzipping it, Elijah took out one of his button up shirts she had taken from him. It was her favorite to wear. It had gotten to the point that Elijah had it dry cleaned, had it in his closet for a few days so it would smell like him and Penelope would always take it. She wore it to bed and around the house at least once a week. He hoped the shirt, and the ring, would be enough to find her. If not, he hoped he would be enough to find her. Even if he had to divulge his and Penelope's bond, he would make sure to kill the witch afterwards.

"Let's go," Elijah told Klaus as he came down the stairs and ripped open the front door.

"And where are we going?" Klaus asked and Elijah whipped around and glared.

This is Us [ Elijah Mikaelson ] 2Where stories live. Discover now