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Trigger Warnings: Panic attacks

"That's when you know for sure somebody loves you. They figure out what you need and they give it to you, without you asking."

-Adriana Trigiani

The drive home wasn't very long, and Elijah only had to pull over once because Penelope had to throw up. When he pulled up in front of the house, Penelope stared at it through her window. Turning the ignition off, Elijah reached over and rested his hand on her thigh, causing her to jump. "You alright?" He asked gently and Penelope turned to look over at him with glossy eyes.

"Did...did you...was she...did she live with you here?" Penelope asked quietly and Elijah shook his head.

"She never lived here, no..."

"But she did stay here often?" Penelope asked, her voice becoming unsteady. Elijah paused, he rubbed her thigh gently before nodding. Penelope rolled her lips and closed her eyes, trying to push down her nausea, the pain and jealousy. " two had sex in the house..." Penelope said and Elijah rubbed her leg lightly but she jerked her leg away from him and moved closer to the door. "Did you two have sex in our bed too?" Penelope asked, her voice cracking.

"No," Elijah answered her instantly. "Our bed, is our bed. Your bed and mine. Our room is our room, yours and mine, Penelope. I never shared that room with any other woman but you," He assured her firmly. Penelope rested her elbow on the door and hid her face in her hand.

"This is what she fucking wanted!" Penelope exclaimed angrily, her voice cracking before she started to cry. "This! She wanted me to second guess our entire relationship! She wanted me....she wanted me to second guess and question us!" A sob came from her lips as she looked out the window and at the mansion. Elijah stared at her, his heart breaking at the sound of her voice and her words.

"Do you?" He questioned, his voice just above a whisper.

"What?" She asked, sniffling as she turned to look at him confused. His eyes were becoming glossy as he looked at her, heartbroken.

"Do you...question us?" He whispered. Penelope stared at him, her mouth open and tears falling from her eyes but she couldn't find any words to say. "Do you know that I love you, more than anything?" He asked her and Penelope nodded. She did know he loved her, she's seen the way he loves her...she knew he loved her before he even told her. "Do you love me?" He asked and Penelope felt the tears begin to fall again.

"Yes..." She whispered breathlessly. "More than anything..."

"Then what's there to question?" Penelope sniffled and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Yes, she wanted you to question us, our relationship, our love for each other. But did you?" He asked her, Penelope shook her head.

"Never...I-...I tried," Her voice broke. "She...she would tell me about all the ways you loved her...and how you showed her you loved her, and ...and they were the same as how you love me-" Elijah shook his head.

"No, no they aren't Penelope," Elijah told her. "I have never loved a woman the way I love you. You are one of a kind, my little doe... I haven't even loved another Penelope like I love you..." He confessed and Penelope's heart skipped. "I told you the truth when I said I didn't want another Penelope in a hundred years. You're it, Penelope. You are my one and only, my happily ever after," He reached over and grabbed her hand. "You're hurt right now, you're allowed to be hurt. You have been through something traumatic, and everything you're feeling right now is justified, Penelope, you're allowed to feel this way..." He assured her. "I am going to be right here next to you, I'm not going anywhere. I promise, I will help you heal in any way I can. I am here for you, alright?"

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