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A/N: So there's a part in this chapter, that has to deal with money and buying things. Imma put a disclaimer, Im not rich. I don't now how rich people buy things that cost hundred thousands or even millions of dollars okay. And I was too lazy to figure it out, thats on me. So please, go with with it this chapter! Please and thank you :)

"You don't meet the people you love, you recognize them."

-Anna Gavalda

Penelope yawned quietly as she opened her eyes, the room was dark due to it still being night time, and she smiled when she felt Elijah next to her. They had switched sides of the bed, due to her growing bump, she wasn't allowed to sleep on her right side anymore (or her back), and Penelope liked cuddling before falling asleep, and that usually required her laying on her right side. So Elijah suggested they switch sides while she's pregnant, as he was already moving their things to the other bedside tables. He was thoughtful that way, and it was one of the many things she loved about him. Elijah's back was facing her, he was used to laying on his left side, so Penelope scooted a little closer and wrapped her arm around him and slid her hand up his chest. He reached and grabbed her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed her palm before holding it close to his chest.

Penelope smiled, and tried not to giggle. She's noticed he does this often and he isn't aware that he does it because he's asleep. He does a lot of other cute things in his sleep, she's come to notice due to her waking up in the middle of the night for various reasons. Some nights it's because Little Bump is moving around or she just couldn't comfortable, other nights it's because of the nightmares she gets of her previous deaths (something that she didn't work on while away even though she should have); then there were nights, like tonight, that she woke up because she was hungry and was craving something very specific. Usually it was something they already had and she could go downstairs and eat it, or Kol or Rebekah was awake and they would make it for her while Elijah was sleeping; or even go get what she was craving.

However tonight it was different. Tonight, there wasn't anyone awake and if they were awake they were not in the house due to her father being present. Tonight was also different because Penelope was craving something very specific that she knew they did not have. So, she did what any sensible pregnant woman probably has done.

Leaning forward, Penelope pressed her lips on Elijah's shoulder then began to leave a trail of kisses along his neck before sitting up to lean over him, then kissed his cheek. He let out a soft, quiet hum as he squeezed her hand gently. "Elijah," She whispered softly in his ear before she continued to pepper soft kisses along his neck and jaw. "Elijah, my love," She cooed softly.

"Hm?" He muttered, still asleep. Penelope rolled her lips between her teeth, trying not to giggle. She pulled her hand from his grasp, it was easy as he wasn't holding her hand very tightly, and she ran her finger down the bridge of his nose. She laughed quietly when she saw his face scrunch up and he moved his head, letting out a quiet grunt. Then she moved her hand to trace his eyebrow, then his cheek bone, down his cheek, and went to trace his ear. Letting out another quiet grunt, Elijah reached up with his other hand and grabbed her mid motion.

"Pen, sleep," He muttered as he rolled over onto his back. Penelope felt herself smile. There were very few times he would use a nickname for her and it was always when he was asleep and she was trying to wake him. Elijah laid his arm out for her as his other rested on his stomach. Penelope smiled as she gave him a quick, light, kiss on his lips before she started kissing his chin, his jaw, and down his neck. A soft, deep hum came from Elijah as Penelope began to leave small, soft kisses on his chest, slowly making her way down. "Penelope..." He muttered sleepily. "No sex, sleep."

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