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"What if we're not having a boy?" Penelope whispered as she rubbed her stomach nervously and Elijah rubbed her arm comfortingly and kissed the side of her head.

"Then we'll go through girl names."

"...But what about all the little boy stuff we have?"

"We'll have it ready for when we do have a boy," He told her, just as she told him weeks ago. "Darling, you're getting nervous over nothing."

"I know," Penelope leaned into his side and rested her head on his shoulder. They were sitting it the waiting room of the OB/GYN office for the 20-week checkup, though it's a week late. This was the big appointment. The one she knew she was going to be here for at least an hour outside of the waiting room, where she had been waiting for nearly forty minutes already and her appointment time was twenty minutes ago. "I know it's most likely a boy anyway," She added and he looked at her with a raised brow.

"Oh? And how do you figure that?"

"Well outside of your little trick," Penelope started. "I do know that it's the man that determines the sex of the child. Your parents had four sons together, and one daughter-"
"Two," Elijah interrupted, making her frown.

"Two?" He nodded.

"The uh... child my parents had lost due to the plague in Europe, the reason they settled to now, America, was because they lost their first born; who happened to be a girl," Elijah told her and Penelope looked up at him with a frown. She had known about why and how they ended up in America a thousand years ago, but she didn't know about child that was lost.

"So...our first born could also be a girl," She whispered and Elijah rubbed her arm and placed another kiss on her forehead. "We should've put the same amount of effort into boy names as girl names," She sighed.

"What does your feelings tell you?" He asked her, twirling some of her hair around his finger.

"What do you mean? Like my mother's intuition?"

"No," He shook his head. "Your feelings, the ones you get... what are they telling you?" Penelope frowned as she looked down at her stomach as she drew small circles in random places. She thought about it for a moment then she let herself relax into his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. Closing her eyes, she focused on her fingers movements over her stomach, focusing on the fluttering feeling she got that were the baby as they moved around inside her, almost as if they were following her fingers. Left for girl...right for boy, She said to herself in her mind as she made a circle on her left side, then her right, then one in the middle before pausing and lifting her hand. A smile spread on her face when she felt the movement on her side.

"Boy," She whispered, rubbing the right side of her stomach softly. Elijah smiled and pressed his lips on the top of her head as he rested his other hand over top hers on her stomach.

About ten minutes later, Penelope's knee began to bounce and she brought her hand to her lips and began nipping at the skin around her nails but Elijah took her hand and held it before pressing a kiss to her brow. Letting out a long, drawn-out sigh, she wigged back and leaned further into Elijah. "Are you hungry?" He asked and she nodded. He reached down into her purse and pulled out a pack of peanut butter crackers; she smiled at him as she took them and began eating them. When she had two crackers left, her knee started to bounce again and Elijah pressed a hand on her, stilling her movements. "Penelope," He whispered. "You have nothing to be nervous about."

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