thirteen [elijah]

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 "It's all about the one who calms the storm."


It was still dreary and raining outside but the bulk of the storm had passed the previous night. Now, Elijah stood in the middle of the Abattoir with Marcel. He was going to find who this Peter was, where the French Quarter Witches were, and he was going to say his peace with Celeste. He hoped that by the end of the night, Penelope would be back in his arms where she belonged.

"Is there a Peter here!" Elijah called out, turning the atrocious music off. Everyone stopped talking and turned to him. When no one said anything, Elijah let out a long sigh of exasperation. "I said, is there a Peter here?"

"Which one?" A man asked, he had dark hair, dark eyes and tan skin. He was leaning against the wall.

"Every man named Peter," Elijah answered.

"Some of them aren't here," A woman spoke up and Elijah cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Then I suggest someone tell them to be here, now. Please, I don't like to be kept waiting."

"And why should we listen to you, suits?" A man with blond hair asked, glaring at Elijah. Marcel sighed, shaking his head. "I mean, who the hell are you to order us around? We don't work for you."

"You're right...?" Elijah paused, looking at him and silently asking for his name.


"Short for Daniel, I presume?" Elijah asked rhetorically. "Well, Daniel," He started and then half a second later he was in front of the man and Elijah shoved his hand into his chest, then yanked out his heart. Elijah watched as the body fell and then released the heart. "That's why."

"Okay, can you not kill my guys?" Marcel asked, glaring at Elijah.

"I won't kill any once they learn to show a little respect for their elders," Elijah retorted then turned to the crowd of vampires. "Every vampire present that has the name Peter, please step forward. Even if you no longer go by that name." Elijah ordered, but when no one moved he let out a long exasperated sigh. "Now please. Don't have me ask again, I'm a tad grumpy."

"You heard the man!" Marcel exclaimed, clapping his hands. "Let's go!"

"Why?" A man asked, he had tanned skin and sandy blond hair.

"Because, I said so, Pete." Marcel glared at him. "Now, get in line."

Elijah rolled his eyes as he waited until there was a small crowd in front of him. "Is this everyone?" Elijah asked Marcel, looking at every man who is or was named Peter.

"All but one."

"Where is he?"

"On the floor dead. You ripped his heart out." Marcel replied and Elijah tutted before he looked at the boy, he was young. He was probably around the same age as Penelope if not younger when he was turned. He looked at Elijah in fear, this was a child and even if he was positive he had no part in Penelope's kidnapping he couldn't show softness and let boy go.

"Have you seen this woman?" Elijah asked, pulling out his phone to show a picture of Penelope.

"She's the girl we've been looking for..." He answered nervously, but he answered while looking Elijah in the eye. That was a good start. 

"Do you know anything about the French Quarter Witches?"

"Only they're not allowed to do magic..."

"Do you know any of the Witches?"

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