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"What is that delicious smell?" Rebekah asked as she walked into the kitchen and Penelope, covered in flower and dough from head to foot, smiled at her.

"Pie!" The excited answer was all Rebekah got as Penelope continued working her current project in a large sheet pan.

"What is that?"

"Pecan pie bars, I wanted to try something different," Penelope smiled a she began to spread the pie filling in the baking pan. When she was done, she opened the top oven and placed the large sheet pan on a rack and closed it then set the timer. She opened up the second oven to check on the pies and smiled when it was read. Putting on oven mitts she pulled the miniature pies from the oven and placed them on the range to cool.

"What are those?" Rebekah asked as she leaned in forward to smell them.

"Mini pumpkin pies," She answered as she went to wash out her mixing bowl.

"...Didn't you make a pumpkin pie earlier this week?"


"...Where did it go?"

"Oh, I took it to the police station," Rebekah nodded as if she understood.

"What about the apple tarts you made?"

"Also at the police station."

"And the apple fritters?"

"There too."

"...The pumpkin bread?"

"There, and Roussau's," Penny answered.


"What are we going to do with that many desserts?" She replied, placing the mixing bowl on the drying rack before working on the add-ons for her mixer. Rebekah blinked and sat at the bar. Penelope had ordered new chairs for the island bar, the previous chairs they had were cushioned high stools, but Penelope's back was hurting so she bought some with back support so she could put one of her pregnancy wedge pillows on it so she could sit and bake more comfortably. "Everyone at the station loves them. They get so excited when I show up with something new and Rose texts me everyday before she leaves and tells me that everything is gone."

"You just bring these people your desserts?"



"Why not?" She shrugged as grabbed the bowl and dried it off. She needed to buy a second one of these, maybe a third. "I'd rather give them to people who will eat and appreciate them then have them sit here and not get eaten and go to waste."

"I suppose," Rebekah pouted.

"Did Rebekah want some?"

"Yes," Penelope laughed. "Why are you baking all these things anyway?"
"I'm testing new recipes to see what I'd want to make for Thanksgiving dinner."

"...We're doing Thanksgiving again?" Penelope looked up and gave Rebekah a dry look.

"Are you and your insane brothers planning on ruining dinner again?"

"No..." Rebekah answered. "But do you think it's wise? I mean with how pregnant you are?"

"Everything will be fine," Penelope assured her. "If I get tired, I have my chair for prep work, and I have all of you if I need any help or a break," She continued as she started measuring out the dry ingredients.

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