fourteen [penelope]

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"When someone does something wrong, don't forget all the things they did right."


Penelope groaned as she moved her head to the side. Her stomach was hurting, she was feeling nauseous again and it took a lot of her to keep everything down. Slowly, Penelope opened her eyes and looked around her. The floor was soaking wet, there was at least two to three inches of water in some places. Her entire lower half was soaking wet, from the waist up was a little dry but her clothes were still damp. Her eyes looked for her unopened packet of crackers and groaned when she saw they had drifted off somewhere across the room due to the water. She took a deep breath, she knew Elijah was coming. He will find her, she'll be free from this place soon. Penelope reached over and grabbed her bucket when she felt bile rise up inside her again.

After throwing up, Penelope reached down and scooped up some of the water in her hand and splashed her face. God, she couldn't wait until she could take a shower. She desperately needed it. She knew she smelt disgusting, she knew she looked disgusting and a huge mess. She wanted real food. She wanted a greasy cheese burger with bacon, a greasy double extra cheese and pepperoni pizza. Screw the brownies Elijah promised, she wanted cupcakes.

Penelope jumped when she heard something bang. She gasped, staring at the door with wide eyes, fear filling her. The witches weren't supposed to be back for two days! Penelope tried to focus and see if she could hear any voices coming from somewhere else in the building. She didn't hear a car pull up, however she did spend, what felt like, forever throwing up. The door to the room she was in slammed open, causing her to jump again and she stared wide eyed at the figure.

"Are...are you here to hurt me?" Penelope whispered weakly. Anxiety filled her, and she felt her nausea begin to resurface in her stomach. Water splashing from the footsteps grew louder as they came closer to her and Penelope stared up fearfully. Klaus stopped in front of her and reached for the chains, yanking them harshly and they fell to the floor. Penelope stared up at him with wide eyes.

"I'm taking you home, Penny-love." Klaus told her in a quiet voice and Penelope could hear, could see the guilt. Penelope's lip and chin trembled as she stared up at him in disbelief. "No one's going to hurt you anymore," He assured her as he held his hand out to her. Penelope looked at him, feeling unsure. She wondered if this was another trick and that he was still working with the witches and decided to take her somewhere new. However, she looked up in his eyes again, and she saw real emotion, an emotion she hadn't seen in him in months. 

Penelope reached and took his hand and Klaus hauled her up from the floor and helped steady her as she began to sway. Penelope hadn't stood up in days and the sudden motion caused her to feel light headed. When she was steady Penelope looked up at him as tears began to fall. Wrapping her arms around his waist, Penelope buried her face into his chest and started crying hysterically. Klaus stiffened but after a few seconds, he relaxed and patted her shoulder gently.

"Why do you hate me?" Penelope asked between sobs. Each word was like a knife in the chest. "What did-did I do?"

"I don't hate you...not really," Klaus admitted.

"Then...then why?"

"I... I was scared that I would no longer have my brother..." He whispered and Penelope looked up at him with confusion. "I thought...if I gave the witches what they wanted...then Elijah would stay."

"What?" She asked, shaking her head. "Klaus...You would never lose Elijah..." Penelope whispered. "He loves you, He will always be there for you-"

"He's choosing you over his family-"

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