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"I'm with you. No matter what else you have in your head, I'm with you and I love you."

-Earnest Hemingway

Penelope groaned as rolled over in the bed to her other side; she stiffened when she felt the bed shift and something wrap around her. Penelope's eyes shot open with a sharp intake of breath. She calmed when she saw it was just Elijah, he was asleep and his head rested on her pillow. She smiled smally as she ran her finger down the bridge of his nose lightly then pressed her finger to his lips. Elijah opened his mouth and took her finger gently between his teeth. Penelope giggled quietly as Elijah opened his eyes to look at her. Letting her finger free, he pulled her closer to him, nuzzling his nose against hers.

"Good morning," He whispered groggily.

"Good morning," She replied quietly. Elijah smiled at her as he brushed some hair behind her ear, then wrapped his arm around her again and pulled her close. Penelope smiled as she wrapped her arm around him and moved to hide her face in his neck; he chuckled quietly and began running his fingers up and down her back. "What time is it?"

"I don't know," He answered. He moved to lay on his back, Penelope protested and he only smiled as he grabbed his phone to look at the time. "It's nearly noon," He answered, placing the phone back on the table before he rolled back to wrap his arm around her. "We've been asleep for nearly twenty-four hours."

"We?" She asked, looking at him and he nodded, giving her a tired smile.

"I haven't slept at all since you've been gone," Elijah confessed quietly. "I couldn't."

"'Lijah..." Penelope whispered but he shook his head as he pulled her closer to him.

"I couldn't Penelope... knowing you weren't here with me, that you were somewhere hurt, alone,...scared. I couldn't bring myself to rest, to feed, I was a mess without you, my love..."

"Really?" She asked, not fully believing him. Elijah frowned his eyebrows at her as he nodded.

"Of course I was, little doe... I cannot function without you, you are my whole world and without you...I have nothing, I am nothing," He told her seriously as his hand slipped under his shirt and started to lightly tickle her back. She shivered as a small smile formed on her lips.

"Really?" She whispered. She found it hard to believe that someone like Elijah, who was always put together, was a mess.

"Yes," He answered. Elijah kissed her forehead and then pulled away again. Penelope's heart fell when she felt him remove his arm from her again to lay on his back. He sat up enough and reached for something on his bedside table before he laid back down and turned to her. Taking her hand, he slipped her ring back on her finger. Penelope felt tears form in her eyes as she looked at the ring, it was her ring... "I took this with me everywhere, I never let it go unless it was to find you," He whispered to her. Penelope sniffled as she looked at her engagement ring. She was so happy she didn't wear it to the convention. She had no idea where her other belongings were, and seeing as they weren't here at the house, they were lost.

" other ring!" Penelope's eyes went wide as she looked at Elijah. "My purse, my phone! Do you know where it's at?" She asked him and he only shook his head. Penelope's heart sank as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I'll get you another phone, darling," He told her as he ran his fingers through her hair. "And I'll have another ring made for you, alright?" Penelope nodded slowly before resting her head into the crook of his neck. She wrapped her arms around him again, and a small smile began to form on her lips when she felt his arms around her.

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