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"Making each other laugh is a love language."

- Unknown

Penelope took a deep breath as Elijah had pulled into the long drive way to the house. The drive back was awkward and she already knew that the moment they entered the house the tense and awkward feeling was only going to intensify. When she told Rebekah that her father, Emily and Max was staying with them in the house, she had thrown a fit and asked why they couldn't stay in a hotel. Penelope had told her that she wasn't going to put her dad, Emily and her little brother in a hotel when there was more than enough room for them at the house. Even Klaus and Kol weren't too keen on the idea of sharing the house with them either, however Penny had put her foot down and told them the decision was final and they will deal with it. Of course, they didn't take her word and turned to Elijah who had said, and has been saying for the last few weeks, "What Penelope wants, Penelope gets".

"Oh wow," Emily gasped quietly as she looked out the window "It's beautiful."

"I know!" Penelope smiled, turning to look at her. "Wait until you see the inside! Oh and the grounds and the orchard are beautiful too!"

"You have an orchard?" Emily asked, surprised and Penelope nodded, her smile widening.

"It's apple picking season and it's absolutely beautiful out there! We'll have to go this week and pick some apples-"

"Can we make an apple pie?" Max asked excitedly and Penny nodded.

"Of course we can! Oh and we can make apple turn overs and apple cupcakes! I have a great recipe for them," She said and Max's eyes widened with excitement as Elijah had parked the car and turned off the ignition. "Don't worry about your bags, I can get Kol or Klaus to bring them to your rooms later while we show you the house," Penelope said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and Elijah stepped out of the car.

"How many stories does this place have?" Robert asked as he stepped out of the car and Elijah opened Penelope's door and helped her down.

"Three, officially," Elijah answered.

"Officially?" Robert asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The ground floor, and two floors of living quarters. The governor had secret rooms built through out the house," Elijah answered with a shrug and Penelope looked up at him with shock then slapped his chest.

"You didn't tell me that!" She huffed and he gave her a smile. "How come you've never showed me!?"

"Well when we first arrived we were a little preoccupied with other things that were going on," He reminded her and Penelope's face flushed when she remembered the first day he had brought her to the house. "We've also haven't had a lot of free time since," He added and she nodded slowly.

"And what year was this built?" Robert asked, genuinely interested.

"Completed construction was 1815, however after the addition of the secret rooms it was finished in 1817," Elijah answered as they walked to the front door. Robert looked at the exterior in fascination, and touched the column that was near the front door getly.

"Antebellum," He said and Elijah nodded. "Georgian or Greek Revival?"

"Georgian mixed with French Colonial," Elijah answered, and by the tone of his voice Penelope knew he was impressed. "I didn't realize you knew much about architecture. I thought you were simply construction."

"I was, I'm an architect now though," Robert answered and Penelope frowned. She had no idea. Elijah rubbed Penelope's back softly before opening the door for them.

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