26 : Camp Starts!

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"Oh." Bambam quickly supports Mina's luggage. The council president was pulling the thing to the first step of their school's mini bus. "Wait. Let me do that for you."

"Umm— Tha— Thanks." The council president flashes an awkward smile as the theater director gently picks the thing from her hand and carries it inside even before she actually accepts the offer. She quickly looks around the vicinity to check on someone. She consecutively lets out a sigh as she also steps into the vehicle to follow her luggage on the move.

It is just a little past five in the morning of the first Friday of March. The participants of the regional leadership camp are preparing early to get out and about on their travel to the venue of the said event.

Bambam stops in the middle of the bus, turning his body to look at Mina. "Where will you be sitting?"

"Umm..." The council president pauses for a moment to think. Except for the driver, there isn't anyone else on the vehicle yet. "Sorry. I'm not sure yet. I— I have a feeling that I have to be in front, somewhere near the driver to confirm the directions with him as we go by the roads."

The agreed venue for the leadership camp is on a retreat rental place near the mountains. From Mina's university, they have estimated about three hours of travel time, considering light to medium traffic in getting there.

"I see." The theater director slowly nods. He then started moving back to the council president's side. "Then... should I bring it back somewhere there?"

Mina just politely bows to him as he approaches. "Please just leave it here in the second row."

"Got it." Bambam carefully pushes the luggage to the end of the vehicle's second row seats. "Are you going to sit—"

"Sorry. I have to step out a bit." The council president cuts him off in an apologetic face. "I need to check on Chaeng. She— she actually went back to the soccer lockers to get her ID."

"Ahh. I— I see." The club director faintly chuckles and looks down. "Right. Son— Son Chaeyoung is also coming."

Mina just flashes one last smile before immediately turning her heel and exiting the bus. She is keeping her promise with the soccer ace in mind regarding this guy. She definitely doesn't want to mess anything up on the first day of the three day event where they will all be forced to be stuck together.

The council president lets out a huge sigh the moment she has stepped onto the pavement. Then, she rolls her eyes and looks around again with a slightly annoyed tone. "Now, where are the other three people that are expected to already be here?"

The call time of camp's day one is nine in the morning. They still have ample time with more than three hours on the clock. However, the council president still thinks that there might be unforeseen stopovers or delays like bio breaks or heavy traffic so she certainly doesn't want to push their time to its limit where they have to fight for their punctual attendance in crunch time.

"Hurry! My best friend is going to kill me if we're delayed even one minute with the agreed time!" Sana's voice is heard, a few meters away from the bus. Behind her is a cheer girl who she strategically chose to represent the cheer squad when she said she wanted to take the student council slot for her participation.

"Great. That's two less people to worry about." Mina mutters under her breath as soon as she confirms the cheer captain's figure. She darts her eyes to the direction of the soccer lockers, squinting at it and still not seeing any sign of Son Chaeyoung emerging from it. "Now, where is that vice captain?"

After about three minutes of standing in front of the bus, the council president suddenly shrieks after she felt someone poke her side. "What the—"

Chaeyoung's laugh suddenly echoed all over the area. She was even holding her stomach in pure joy with her successful mini prank.

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