10 : Last Will

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—— Last Thursday ——

"Ms. Myoi Mina." A man in full business attire promptly stands up from his seat in a fancy dining restaurant near the council president's school.

"Hello, Mr. Song." Mina politely bows. "Sorry. I think I'm a bit late. Did you wait long?"

"No, no. It's fine. And just Joong Ki." He points to the other seat opposite of him as he moves to take his own. "Please take a seat. I'm glad that you took my offer in meeting me again."

"Well... I had to." Mina flashes a smile. She slowly sits on the empty chair that the man pointed at. "If I have the desire to receive whatever Mrs. Son wanted to give me after she left this world."

"Hmm. Fair reason." Mr. Song nods a couple of times. He carefully scans through the documents that are on his thick expandable envelope. "Do you have an idea of what it might be?"

"Honestly... I don't have any idea. I never met her in person. The only information I know of her are those that I picked up from Chaeng's stories."

"I see." He pulls out a brown envelope that measures about half a letter paper size. "Then, this might be something of great importance."

Mina fiddles with her fingers underneath the table. "I believe so. That's the only explanation I could think of."

Mr. Song smiles at her. He raises his arm to get the attention of a waiter, then looks again to the girl sitting opposite of him. "I heard you were taking law?"

"Yes! I—" The council president's face suddenly lit up in obvious excitement. "I actually saw your professional accomplishments and as a law student, I am quite astonished with your resume."

The lawyer chuckles a bit. "Do you want to hear my stories when I became a private lawyer to an Italian mafia group?"

"Woah. Really?" If Mina's eyes could literally sparkle, it should be at this moment. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"It is. But I quite handled it beautifully. They even gave me the nickname Vincenzo."

"Doesn't that mean..." The council president pauses for a second to think. "To win or to conquer?"

"Wow. I could infer that you are a smart student." Mr. Song playfully squints and points his finger to her. "You're quite piquing my interest now."

"Really?" Mina's smile is really wide right now. "I can be your mentee then sir. I would love to learn from you."

"Hmm... Let me think about that. But for now, let us not get derailed with our main objective here, shall we?" Then, Mr. Song politely smiles and bows at the staff who is now beside their table. "Please get the young lady's choice of food. As for me... I'd like the most expensive wine available."

—— Present Day ——

"So that was why you have been so busy the past week, huh?" Chaeyoung nods a couple of times in realization. She raises one of her eyebrows at Mina. "You should've just told me, you know. And it isn't just me. You made everyone crazy trying to guess what was making you occupied all this time."

The two girls are now comfortably sitting on Mina's bed. They are now back at the junior dorms. After the talk at the cemetery, they decided to travel back since the council president also said that she wanted to show the soccer girl something.

"Yes, that was just it." Mina looks at the other girl apologetically. "I'm so sorry if I didn't tell you sooner. It could've been just a short meeting with Mr. Joong Ki but... our talks kind of dragged on since I was excited to learn some things from him about the professional world and all in terms of being an accomplished lawyer."

"Ugh." The soccer ace playfully rolls her eyes. "Why do you have to be hyped about these things?"

"You know that I would love to know everything about law!" Mina naughtily grins. "Before I knew it, I kept on asking him random questions and all. He even had to meet me the second time around because I asked for some books that he could spare me from his study."

"Oh my goodness." Chaeyoung playfully massaged her temples. "I will never understand straight A students."

"Hey. It's just like your love for soccer! Think of it like that!"

"Okay, okay." The soccer ace shakes her head a bit. "Anyway, how did he find you? And what were the conditions before you could receive mom's last will?"

"Well... apparently, Mrs. Son left two specific, on point conditions before Mr. Joong Ki could give me the letter."

"Which are...?"

"Which are..." Mina repositions herself to fully face the other girl sitting with her in her bed. "First, he had to make sure that you're not just having a huge crush on me like what you always bragged to your mom when we were in high school. He had to make sure that your emotions turned into something adult-ish which is love. And then second... he had to make sure that I love you. You know, that I could throw myself under the bus for you. That kind of love."

Chaeyoung faintly chuckles at what she just heard. "Just those two?"

The council just nods her head in confirmation.

"Wow." The soccer ace promptly scoffs. "What kind of conditions were those?"

Mina gives her an unamused look. "The kind of conditions that your mom would make."

"And... Isn't that easy to tell? What took him so long?"

"What's easy with that?" The council president dramatically rolls her eyes. "He was actually doubting my feelings for you up to the last second because I told him that I'm still not your girlfriend."

"What? You should've just told him that we're together!"

Mina crosses both of her arms in front of her. "I can't lie under the law, Son Chaeyoung."

"Ugh." The soccer ace rolls her eyes. "You and your principles."

"Hey. In case you don't know, I'm about to be a lawyer soon. So yeah, surprise, I happen to respect the law."


"Who knows if I'd also be put in the same situation in the future. Would I want the person I'm giving a 'last will' to just straight up lie to my face?"

"Okay, okay." Chaeyoung waves her hands in dismissal of the topic. "I get it, Minari. Enough with that. So Umm... What... did my mom say?"

Mina's facial expression immediately shifted into something soft. She slowly stands up from her bed tread to her bedside table. She has kept the letter of Chaeyoung's mom there and thought that it would be better if the daughter could read it personally. Of course, she already scanned through the document a couple of times days before today.

Right after fishing for a brown envelope, Mina walks back to Chaeyoung's side. She heaves in a deep breath as she sits back beside the smaller girl. "Here. Will you be fine reading it?"

"I'm—" The soccer ace stares at the folded paper on her hands. "To be honest, I'm not quite sure."

The council president gently moves to squeeze the other girl's upper arm. "Do you want me to go outside? You can also take this your own dorm room if—"

"No." Chaeyoung shifts her eyes to look into Mina. "Please, stay by my side. I want to read this while you're here with me."

Mina faintly smiles and slowly nods. "Then, I will be here just right beside you as long as you wish."

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