51 : Five Minutes

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"Mmm..." Mina's eyes are still closed. She just half asleep snakes her hand to the waist of the other body on the bed and pulls it closer to her as she buries her face to the chest her face is currently against. "So soft."

"Mi— Minari..." It may still be a bit too early for Chaeyoung to be blushing so hard right now but it is not like the poor soccer girl has a choice. It is not everyday that her mornings start like this. "Could you please get up now?"

Chaeyoung is lying to her side, facing the council president while the latter is also doing the same.

"Hmm?" Mina innocently hums. She is still not opening her eyes. She swiftly moves one of her legs to go in between the soccer ace's thighs and rests it there. "Five more minutes."

"O— okay." The smaller girl gets redder as she shyly moves her arm to travel over Mina's shoulder and onto her back. Her dimple shows while she miserably fails to hide a satisfied grin. "If— If you insist... Five minutes it is."

The sun is already up in the sky, judging from the rays of the sun penetrating the room through the curtains that are pulled a bit to the side of the large glass window. It is finally the last day of the leadership camp but Chaeyoung and Mina are still in bed.

After estimating that the five minutes already passed, the soccer ace peeks at the wall clock hanging not so far from the beds. It is almost nine in the morning. "Minari—"

"Five more minutes."

"You've been saying that for the nth time now!"

Mina suddenly makes whiny sounds that are totally out of her usual character. She tries to pull the other girl towards her as if their bodies could even be any closer as of the moment. "But I still don't want to get up yet."

Chaeyoung lets out a short sigh. "You have to eat. Breakfast is an important meal of the day. But more importantly, you have to get back the energy you spent from crying and all."

"You sound like my mom."

"Oh, my gosh." The soccer ace mumbles under her breath as she blinks a couple of times in a lost expression. "Did you like— aged back to being a seven year old overnight?"

The council president furiously shakes her head against the other girl's chest. "Five more minutes!"

"Fine, fine." Chaeyoung projects a firm tone. "But this is the last five minutes. Okay? I swear I will— Oh, god. Minari..."

"Hmm?" Mina innocently hums. One of her legs is brushing in and out between the smaller girl's thighs as part of her childish tantrums. "What now?"

"Stay— Could you stay still? PLEASE."


"Just—" The soccer ace promptly rolls her eyes and balls her fist for a second. "Please? Don't move."

The council president then pouts. "Hmm-kay."

"Thanks." The soccer ace lets out a sigh after the council president stops her movements and heeds her request. "Five more minutes."

"Chaeyoung?" Mina calls out like a little kid as she moves again on the bed and puts her head on the crook of the smaller girl's head.

Chaeyoung subtly smiles, finding her name really good as it rolls from the other girl's tongue. "Yes, Mina?"

"I love you."

The soccer ace's smile officially just got wider. She gently turns her head momentarily to place a lingering kiss on the council president's temple. "I love you too. How are you feeling now?"

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