67 : Chase

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"Argh. My brain cells are all out!" Dahyun proclaims while ruffling her hair roughly. She stands up abruptly from her seat on the council room's desk. "I'm going out to buy some caffeine."

"I'll go with you." Momo also stands up next to her. She was also at the same desk where Dahyun and Sana are working. She widely grins at the council secretary who is now glaring at her. "I think I also want some coffee."

Sana raises an eyebrow at the sight she is witnessing. "Remind me again why is Momo here? And while you're at it, can someone please explain how in the world you two turned out to be this close?"

"We're not close!" Dahyun quickly replies. She points to the soccer captain. "She has just been following me around endlessly like she has nothing better to do in her life!"

"But I really have nothing better to do in my life." Momo casually adds in. "Kim just turns out to be a good subject for killing some time."

"Then go somewhere else!" The pale girl clicks her tongue and squints at the soccer captain. "Why do you always find time to bother me and ruin my day?"

Sana crosses her arms in front of her. "It was like yesterday, you were just bickering at each other and aiming for each other's necks. But now... you two hang out?"

"It's— No! It's not like that, Sana!" The council secretary darts her eyes again to her fellow student officer. "We two have nothing to do with each other! I always shoo her away! It's just that she is bored and she—"

"Come on now, Kim." Momo nonchalantly pulls Dahyun by the arm. "If you have enough energy to process words and explain like that then I bet you can walk to a vending machine and buy me something nice."

"HUH?" The pale girl protests while she is being dragged out of the council office. "And why would I buy you a drink?!"

The soccer captain just shrugs and continues to walk away while pulling Dahyun with her.

"Hmm..." Sana slightly tilts her head, watching the two girls disappear at the corner of the glass window viewing the hallways in front of the room. "Momo was even there for Dahyunie back at that time with Tzu. What is that soccer captain's deal?"

Meanwhile, Momo and Dahyun are now noisily descending the stairs of the main building.

"Momo—" The council secretary utters in annoyance. "Why did you run to our office the moment you knew that Sana and I are doing school tasks? I already told you that I can't like you back. Did I not make myself clear about that? Why are you still clinging on to me like this?"

The soccer captain is not answering the other girl. Ever since they stepped out of the council office, she just lets all of Dahyun's rants pass by her while she continues to drag the seething girl.

The council secretary continues to speak nonstop. "Why do you still hold onto me like an unwanted bubble gum, huh? You might have gotten some girls under your spell with these cheap tactics but I'm never falling for your traps!"

Dahyun tried to wait for a reply but she got none. They are now on the first floor of the main building. She lets out a sigh, knowing that the grip on her wrist will loosen soon since the vending machine is now just a few steps away.

"WAIT. What—" The council secretary promptly reacts. Contrary to her expectations, her wrist is still being held captive and she is now being dragged somewhere else. "Wait— Momo! Where are we going?"

"To the vending machines." The soccer captain innocently answers. "You're buying me coffee, remember?"

"Yeah. I MEAN— Yeah, we're going to the vending machine but I'm not buying you anything! I never agreed to that!" Dahyun points to her left. They are now exiting the building through its glass doors. "And the machines are that way! They are just in the first floor's lobby!"

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