49 : Beloved Mina

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains content that might be troubling to some readers, including, but not limited to, sexual assault, intimate partner abuse, violence, and PTSD. Please remember to practice self-care before, during, and after reading.


"Umm..." Chaeyoung nervously starts. She and Mina are currently sitting at the latter's assigned bed for the leadership camp. "Mi— Minari?"

The girl who has been holding on to the bottom hem of the soccer ace's shirt ever since they walked out from the place near the retreat's storage room maintains her silence. She is just gloomily looking down at the floor and is not responding to the other girl at all.

Chaeyoung shortly clears her throat and tries again. "Minari. I— I think I need to go to the comfort room."

That is when the council president slowly moves her head to turn to the smaller girl's direction.

"I promise to just be quick. I will just—"

Mina did not reply. She had the other girl stop her talking though because she sluggishly stood up from the bed while still holding on to the soccer ace's shirt. She inadvertently pulled up the soccer ace's clothes with her, causing Chaeyoung to abruptly stand up also in the reflex of preventing to expose her body underneath the pulled up shirt in Mina's hand.

"Mi— Minari." The smaller girl awkwardly chuckles. "Why did you..."

The council president innocently utters. "I'll come with you."

"Wait." Chaeyoung's eyes blinked a couple of times. "Wait, wait, wait." She stares into the other girl's eyes in obvious shock and amusement like a mother whose child made their first words. "You spoke! Minari, you finally spoke!"

The soccer ace widely smiles and giggles. This is indeed the first time Mina verbally answered any of her questions or commented in any of her statements. However, her smile slowly drops after the words that the council president just said finally sank into her mind. She looks intently at the girl who is now looking down again while still gripping the bottom hem of her shirt.

"Minari, what did you mean by—"

The council president mumbles. "I'm scared to be left alone."

"But— but— but— I'm going to the—" Chaeyoung immediately purses her lips after feeling that the pull on her shirt strengthens, followed by getting a glimpse of Mina's eyes that are now suddenly brimming with tears. Her face softens as she can't help but let out a defeated sigh.

The soccer ace faintly chuckles as she ruffles the council president's hair. "Let's go." She then began walking with Mina following right behind her, still holding on tight to her shirt. After reaching the door to the comfort room, she halts her legs and stares at the other girl.

Mina just stares back at the soccer ace innocently.

Chaeyoung then subtly smiles. She turns to face the entrance of the comfort room and inhales generously as she slowly steps inside. Then, upon reaching the front of the toilet bowl, she awkwardly turns to the council president again. "Umm... Minari, could you— Could you please—"

Mina's face immediately fills with worry. "But—"

"You can still hold on to my shirt. Just— just look away, please?"

The council president then softly nods and faces the opposite direction to where Chaeyoung is while still oddly holding on to the latter's shirt.

After a couple more minutes of this once in a lifetime experience of Chaeyoung peeing with an audience, she finally relieved herself. She smiles at Mina while patting her hands dry on her shorts. "Let's go back inside?"

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