28 : Left Out Girls

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"Here, babe." Jeongyeon hands out some cutleries to her girlfriend who was waiting on a table in the cafeteria with their food.

Nayeon just flashed a wide smile as she reached out for it and the two of them promptly started eating their lunch.

It is a busy lunch time at the university cafeteria. The loud noise of students chit chatting and food trays, plates, and glasses making also some noises is all over the place.

The council treasurer suddenly pauses to look at Nayeon with scrunched eyebrows. "What do you think they are doing right now?"

"Babe." The soccer manager tries her best to stifle her chuckles since there is still some food in her mouth. "Quit it! You've been at it since this morning!"

"Ugh." Jeongyeon rolls her eyes, looking down to continue eating. She was about to put another spoonful into her mouth when she abruptly put it down and began whining again. "But I just can't help it!"

"Hey—" Nayeon munches and gulps all of the remaining food in her mouth before answering. "Hey, hey, hey. Jeongyeonie, you can't do anything about it so just drop it."

The council treasurer just roughly ruffles her hair and gets back on her lunch for real this time while her girlfriend faintly chuckles at her.

They ate in comfortable silence for about five minutes when another food tray landed on their table.

"Is this place open for the third wheel?"

"Dahyun!" Jeongyeon cheerily calls out as soon as she pops head up to check the newcomer. "Of course, you're welcome here!"

"Thanks!" The council secretary promptly sits in the available seat. She also gives Nayeon a polite bow and a smile after sitting down.

"Good thing you're here now." The soccer manager begins in an unamused tone.

"Why?" Dahyun answers while munching some rice. It hasn't even been a minute since she was seated on the table but her hunger is obvious because she already got a spoonful of her lunch in her mouth. "Is Jeong not good enough of a companion to you now?"

"Ugh." Nayeon rolls her eyes. "I'm not even sure now if she values me more than this leadership camp. She's like a broken record! I've been listening to her whining non stop and I'm sure she's not finished yet."

"Hey!" Jeongyeon quickly butts in. "It's not all whining! It's just—"

"Nuh uh." Nayeon nonchalantly cuts her off. "You've been whining like a baby since who knows when."

However, before the three could discuss more, another unexpected food tray lands on their table.

"Hello girls. Is this seat taken?"

Jeongyeon and Nayeon, who quickly shot their heads up to check who it was, immediately gave each other knowing glances.

"Umm..." The soccer manager smiles. "He— Hey, Momo. No. I mean— The seat's available."

Dahyun, who was busy with her food and didn't bother to check who the newcomer was, suddenly halted the spoonful of her soft tofu that was already up in the air and was on its way to her mouth. With her lips parted, she awkwardly moves her eyes to confirm the owner of the name who Nayeon just called.

Once Dahyun's eyes found Momo. She abruptly looks away and immediately puts the spoonful of food to her mouth. She did it in such a rough way that she is now coughing some of her food out.

"Here." The soccer captain puts a glass of water in front of Dahyun like it is a natural thing for her to do for the council secretary. "Have that. Don't worry. I haven't drunk that yet."

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