17 : Crossroads

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"Oh. Tzuyu!" Dahyun cheerfully calls out to the exiting figure of the young cheer captain from the junior dorm's lobby. "Chou Tzuyu!"

Tzuyu immediately halts her legs upon hearing the other girl's voice. She looks over to the council secretary's direction and promptly smiles at her. "Dahyun."

Dahyun widely grins as she walks towards the other girl. Bambam happens to be with her, trailing. She spoke as soon as she was within earshot. "What are you doing here? Did you drop Sana off?"

"Yeah. I just walked her up to her room on the third floor."

"I see." The council secretary slowly nods. "She— Umm... Did she really stay with you for the last two days?"

"Ahh." Tzuyu shyly glances at the floor. "Yeah. The first one was because it got late but the second one... we just— we just kind of agreed to spend some more time together."

"Makes sense." Dahyun flashes a faint smile. "At least I now know she's safe. That's good."

"Oh! Tzuyu! Dahyun!" Then, Chaeyoung's voice was heard in the area. The smaller girl jogs to the two girls' location. Of course, she has also noticed Bambam but knowing the soccer ace, she didn't even try to fake a civil glance to him. "Hey. What are you two doing here?"

The council secretary quickly answers. "We just happen to cross paths here at the ground floor. Tzuyu here has just dropped Sana off in their room."

"Ahh." The soccer ace nods a couple of times. "That explains why the hamster was finally back." Then, she glanced at the other guy with Dahyun and spoke her next sentence in almost a yell. "Too bad Sana's entrance got me cut off from my sweet time with my Minari. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I was even planning on staying overnight."

Tzuyu immediately scoffs. "Like Mina would let you—"

"HEY, CHOU TZUYU!" Chaeyoung abruptly cuts the young cheer captain in a clear yell. "You're an outsider here so no opinions for you."


"Oh. That reminds me." Dahyun starts. She momentarily points to the three student leaders around her. "You two three are going to the leadership camp this coming weekend, right?"

Bambam then clears his throat to reply in an obvious tease. "Yeah. And unfortunately, you're not."

"Please don't start with me on that, Bam—"

"You're not going, Dahyun?" Tzuyu asks innocently. "Why?"

Chaeyoung naughtily smirks and joins the conversation. "Yeah. Why, Dahyun? I mean, you could be more deserving than the other participants who were chosen to go."

"Ugh." The council secretary dramatically rolls her eyes. "If only I could overturn the school director's decision! I really want to go to that event!"

"Well..." Bambam speaks again. "If only I was banned from the event like the captain of the soccer team, your participation would've been pushed through by sheer luck like how their vice captain got in by chance."

Chaeyoung darts her eyes to the theater director. She utters blankly. "What a way to state that scenario with the soccer team, huh?"

"Ah— Sorry." Bambam chuckles in what sounded like a mocking. "I did not realize you're from the soccer team! My bad."

The smaller girl immediately glares daggers at him.

Dahyun quickly notices what is happening as she hits the theater director's arm. "Bambam! That doesn't sound like a proper—"

"Hey, chill!" Bambam gives the council secretary a taunting look. "I got it."

"What do you mean—"

Then, the theater director slowly walks right in front of Chaeyoung. "Just so you know, Son Chaeyoung. I was the one who reported Momo for school violence. Of course I did that for Mina and not you. Needless to day, if there's one thing you should be doing here right now... that is definitely not giving me a death glare. Shouldn't you be thanking me instead? I was there when Mina needed you and you're not by her side."

The soccer ace stayed silent, looking at him in confusion. She then glances at Dahyun who promptly moves to hold the guy's arm.

"Hey, Bambam. Let's go now." The council secretary tries to tug the theater director's arm. "You were about to get some of my notes, right? We should continue to—"

"AHH." Bambam doesn't budge with his stares at Chaeyoung. He then starts laughing again in clear taunting. "You did not know? Wow. Son Chaeyoung did not know."

The soccer ace squints at him, maintaining a fierce stare at him. "Know what?"

"Nuh uh. Like I would tell you." He slowly moves to whisper into Chaeyoung's ears. "That is now my little secret with Myoi Mina."

The soccer girl bites her lower lip in visible frustration. Her fists are balled and her eyes are now raging with anger. She then looks down to heave in a deep breath and try to compose herself. Seconds after, she wears a playful smirk. "You've got quite a nerve, don't you? Pretending to be Mr. Nice Guy and all in front of my Minari. Who knew you would be a psycho like this when she's not seeing you?"

Bambam loudly scoffs. He was about to speak again but Tzuyu spoke to join the talk this time.

"So he's the guy you were telling me about?" The cheer captain suddenly asks. She looks at Bambam from head to toe with a raised eyebrow. "No wonder Mina doesn't like him."

Chaeyoung has no idea what Tzuyu was talking about. She tried to recall in her mind as skillfully as she could if she ever had mentioned the theater director to the cheer captain. "Tzu—"

"Sir." Tzuyu calls out in a sarcastic tone. "I don't know where those guts of trying to challenge Mina's love for my friend here comes from. But, a word of advice, if I may? My girlfriend happens to be best friends with Myoi Mina and she always tells me how madly in love the council president is to this tiger cub here. Don't even try. You'll just look pathetic."

Dahyun scrunches her eyebrows and looks to the floor at what she just heard. She mumbles just under her breath. "Girlfriend?"

Babam then pursed his lips and finally steered his heel away from the soccer ace. He gives Tzuyu a glare before walking towards the stairs. "Let's go, Dahyun."

"AH— Sorry about that, you two." The council secretary politely smiles and bows to the two other girls before moving to catch up with the guy.

As soon as the two theater club members were out of sight, Chaeyoung called out to her fiancé. "Tzuyu."


"Did I ever told you about—"

"Nope." Tzuyu flashes a naughty smile to her. "Just consider it as an act of goodwill, Chaeyoung. Plus, if he bothers Mina, that could potentially affect my Sana. There's no way I would let that happen!"

"Ugh." The soccer ace faintly chuckles to her and shakes her head a bit. "I knew it."

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