12 : Cuddling

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"Hmm... I wonder if what Sana and Tzuyu argued last time was about that specific deal that Mrs. Son was talking about." Mina mumbles to herself in pure wonder. She is now lying flat on her back on her own bed at the school's junior dormitory. "And who would've thought that I would happen to be best friends with the woman who Tzuyu is looking for all this time. If only Mrs. Son was alive, she would certainly laugh her heart out at this coincidence."

Then, the council president felt someone lightly sniffing her exposed shoulder. She looks at the smaller girl who is on her side with an arm snaked above her waist.

Chaeyoung wasn't moving an inch so the council president shrugged it off and continued with her monologue. "And now that I think of it... where is that best friend of mine at a time like this? I have to talk to that hamster right now. I know that she's with Tzuyu but she's been out way too long than she should. I'll definitely give her an earful when—"

And Mina heard faint chuckles breathe onto her skin. That is when she rolled her eyes and was determined that the girl to her side was already awake. "Hey, Son Chaeyoung."

The soccer ace whose head is placed on Mina's arm that is spread under her head as a pillow innocently answers. "Hmm?"

Mina promptly gives her an unamused look. "If you're awake already, then get up and let's get out of my bed. I have some final projects to finish."

"But I still want to cuddle." Chaeyoung pouts and whines. "Can't we stay like this a little more?"

After reading Mrs. Son's letter earlier, the soccer ace cried again a bit with Mina letting her cuddle her all she wanted as emotional support. The moment the smaller girl calmed down, she also fell asleep on the council president's arm.

"Chaeng. We can do more of that when the summer vacation is here." The straight A student raises one of her eyebrows. "Final exams are just around the corner and I'm sure that you also have things to do with your subjects. I know you're an athlete here but you still have a full load on academic units, right?"

"But, Minari—" The soccer ace continued to pout like a kid. "Please? I want to cuddle more."

"No matter what you say—"

And Chaeyoung quickly pops her head up to steal a short kiss from Mina's lips. She flashes a proud grin and asks again. "Please, Minari?"

Mina blinks her eyes a couple of times, trying to process what is happening. "Hey, Son Chae—"

And Chaeyoung successfully steals another peck from Mina the second time. "Pretty please, my dear Minari?"

"Ugh." The council president lets out a faint sigh. She stifles her gummy smile as she playfully rolls her eyes. "Okay, okay. You win. We can stay on the bed and be lazy like this, accomplishing nothing. We have tons of school work but yeah, we're choosing to spend our precious time on simply cuddling. I think this is the reason why a lot of parents prohibit their child from entering a relationship until they get a formal degree."

"Yay!" The smaller girl yells in pure joy like she had not heard those last sentences of Mina's mini speech of guilt tripping. She really has that habit of only focusing on what she wants to hear. She then puts her head back down again on the other girl's arm and moves her body even closer to her. "I love this moment right now. I hope it never ends."

The council president scoffs in teasing. "You really like spending time with me that much?"

"Of course!" Chaeyoung maintains a wide smile as she lightly sniffs Mina's exposed neck that is just under her nose. "I would never trade this for the world. I absolutely love anything and everything that involves you."

Mina wasn't able to help it then but grin like a kid. She was obviously happy with what she just heard. She moves her other free arm to gently caress the soccer ace's arm that is on her waist.

The soccer ace smiled at the affection she was receiving. Her dimples are on full display as her cheeks were a bit flushed. She decided to stay quiet after and savor the moment that the two of them are currently having.

The dorm room went silent for a while. The only sounds heard were the ticking of the wall clock and the occasional shouting of students from the room's open window who may be having some horseplay in the far open field.

Chaeyoung's arm is wrapped around Mina's waist.

Mina's one hand is over Chaeyoung's arm that is on her waist.

Chaeyoung's body is glued to Mina's side.

Mina's other arm is under Chaeyoung's head as her free hand gently pats the smaller girl from time to time.

The two girls are simply attached to each other on the bed with occasional smiles to themselves and shy glances at each other.

And then Chaeyoung finally decides to break the silence with a low mumble. "Minari."

"Hmm?" Mina nonchalantly hums.

The soccer ace gulps. She didn't utter a reply. Instead, her hold on the council president slightly tightens. She fixates her eyes on Mina's bare neck and cautiously begins to move her lips closer to it.

"What is it, Chae—"

Mina wasn't able to finish whatever she was about to say because Chaeyoung started to continuously place soft kisses on her skin, immediately causing her to shut up. She then gently squeezes the smaller girl's arm in response to the touch she is now gladly receiving.

Then, Chaeyoung decided to shift her position on the bed. She moves to hover on top of Mina's body, all the while making a trail of kisses from Mina's neck up until Chaeyoung's busy lips find the council president's mouth.

After settling her body on top of the other girl, Chaeyoung immediately deepens the kiss to which Mina just lets her lead freely.

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