4 : Childhood Friend (1)

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—— Last night, At Tzuyu's University ——

As soon as the door to Tzuyu's dorm room closes, Sana spoke in a taunting manner. "So it's not just in our university, huh? You also have this effect on the students of your own school."

"Sana— Those students are all good friends of mine. Believe it or not, I met them at decent school events."

The two girls walk inside to the unit's common area which has a spacious kitchen at one end and a common living room at the other.

"Seriously, though." The older girl loudly scoffs, quickly shrugging off her first opened topic. "Childhood friend. Just your childhood friend?"

"Wait— Sana." Tzuyu is visibly wearing a worried look despite all the calmness in her current voice. "Please let me explain about that one. It's something that— "

"Tzuyu, Tzuyu, Tzuyu." Sana impatiently utters. "Why do you always have to be like this, huh?"

"What— what do you mean?"

"You always act nice, leading me to be oh-so crazy in love with your entire being and then in the end you would make me realize that I was all wrong? What? We're not on the same page again?"

"Sana—" Tzuyu carefully raises her right hand to hold the other girl's upper arm. "Please. That's not it. You're not wrong with what you wanted or assumed or was expecting. It's— It's just—"

"Then what is it, Tzuyu?" Sana glares at the cheer captain. She slowly removes the other girl's hand on her arm. "Because I am absolutely lost with what we are or where we are right now."

"This relationship. I just— I just thought at the split second back there that we just can't tell those kids about it."

"Huh? I'm not getting you."


Sana 's voice starts to raise. "What's there to not tell? I told you that I am serious with you! I told you that I'm not playing around! I told you that I love you for heaven's sake! We already kissed a couple of times! You did not push me away, did you? You also told me that you love me! What the hell is still lacking for us to be in a real—"

"Wait, Sana." Tzuyu brings both her hands now to Sana's shoulders. "Calm down. Please."

The vice president then lets out a deep sigh. She stayed silent and just stared directly into Tzuyu's eyes with intensity like she is waiting to lash out any second she hears anything not to her liking.

"Sana— I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, okay? It's just— I— I can't tell them that you're special to me. It's because— because—"

"Because what, Chou Tzuyu? " Sana cuts her again, obviously impatient now and is getting really annoyed. "Could you please speak without stuttering for once?"

Tzuyu pauses for a second to heave in a deep breath. "It's because of my dad. He partially owns this school. He has eyes and ears here. I can't risk the fact that he could—"

"That's your reason?"

"Sana. I just wanted to—"

"Your reason was because you didn't want your dad to hear about me by chance through his connections at this school?" Sana heard crystal clear what Tzuyu just said earlier. The fact that she is confirming it one more time absolutely means something else in a woman's language.

"Ye— yeah."

"Seriously, Tzu? That's it?" Sana loudly scoffs again and shakes her head in frustration. She ruffles her hair, then glares at the younger girl. "So that's it, huh? You're back at it again? Playing my knight and shining armor because I can't do anything for myself."

"Hey— You know that's not what I was aiming for."

"Tzu—" The older girl purses her lips and lets out a frustrated sigh. "This is hopeless. I'm done." And then she started walking towards the room's exit.

"Wait— SANA!" Tzuyu quickly trails behind her but the other girl looks like she doesn't have any plans on stopping. "Minatozaki Sana."

Sana swiftly opened the door to get out of the room and onto the hallways. The moment the door behind her closed, a pair of familiar arms were already wrapped around her waist from the back. She was immediately halted from her actions.

"Sana. Please don't leave." Tzuyu's tears are visibly about to fall from her eyes. "Please. Let's talk this out."

"Tzu—" The older cheer captain almost cracks her voice. She speaks without turning around. "I thought we already reached an understanding? This is— this is so sad. I thought— I thought we already agreed that we were going to fight together? Why are you bringing this thing about your dad again? Why?"

"I'm sorry! I am so sorry for thinking like that again." Tzuyu leans to put her chin on the other girl's shoulder. She began to softly sob in a mix of relief and nervousness. Relief that Sana is not trying to get out of her arms. And, nervousness that she might lose the girl she loves so much any time now. "Sorry, Sana. I wasn't thinking right for a second. I— I will never speak like that again. I will never be afraid of my dad or any one else about us. This is the last time."

There was a moment of utter silence from Sana after that. Then, after a couple of minutes, the older girl gently caresses the arms trapping her. She gently breaks the hug to face the other girl. "Will you promise that, Tzu? Can you promise that for me?"

Then, a group of chatty students appear at the far end of the hallways, walking straight to the two girls' direction. Some of them immediately recognized their university's cheer captain and called out. "Oh. Tzuyu! Hello!"

Sana quickly glances at the students and faintly scoffs. She was about to walk away but Tzuyu held her wrist. "Let go, Tzu—"

"I promise." Not even a second did Tzuyu move her head to pay the approaching students a glance. Her eyes are just glued and focused to the girl in front of her. She continues in a very serious tone. "I promise, Sana."

When the group of students were about just a meter away, Sana tried to free herself again from the younger girl's grip. "Tzu—"

However, Tzuyu wasn't budging at all. Her grip on the vice president is strong with obvious determination in her eyes. "Earlier was a mistake, Minatozaki Sana. I will never hide what we have in front of other people. It will never happen again."

"How are you going to assure me that—"

And in a swift motion, through the hand that she is holding the other girl's wrist, Tzuyu pulled Sana in almost a twirl. She smoothly cups the older girl's cheek and the next second Sana knew, she is being held captive by soft lips in a sweet kiss.

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