34 : Coincidentally

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"Babe." Jeongyeon mumbles in a wide smile, gazing sweetly onto her girlfriend's eyes.


"That was amazing."

Jeongyeon and Nayeon are both under a peach colored comforter in the council treasurer's bed at the sophomore dormitories. The taller girl's bare shoulder is on display above the fabric that is pulled up to her chest while the soccer manager is covered up to her neck.

Chaeyoung is out for the leadership camp so the soccer manager suddenly has a free pass in staying at the room all she wants. She is enjoying the first day of hogging her girlfriend's attention all to herself while the owner of the other bed in the room is absent for the whole weekend.

"Really?" Nayeon giggles in a tease. She is lying on her side while Jeongyeon is also facing her, head slightly elevated by using one of her arms as support. "Did you fall for Nayeonie all over again, Yoo Jeongyeon?"

"Ugh." The council treasurer playfully scoffs and stifles a smile. "You wish."

"Yeah. I wish." Nayeon chuckles and pulls her girlfriend's face closer to her, kissing her shortly. "I love you so much, Jeong."

"I love you too, baby bunny."

"Should we..." The soccer manager slides her hand from Jeongyeon's face down to her neck, then to her shoulders, and finally resting it on the council treasurer's upper arm. "Should we do something amazing again?"

"You wish." The council treasurer mumbles in a whisper, swiftly moving her body on top of her girlfriend. "You flirty bunny."

"I really wish." Nayeon flashes her bunny smile as she pulls Jeongyeon's face towards her.

But suddenly, there were three loud knocks heard from their door.

"UGH. Let me get that real quick, babe." The taller girl promptly stands up from the bed. She picks up her clothes lying on the room's floor, quickly putting them on in seconds. She turns to her girlfriend who still has the comforter up to her neck and is just staring at her. "Do you want to get dressed? You know, in case that's a teacher who questionably turned up to ask me something about the council."

"I don't want to." Nayeon confidently states, giving some kind of an attitude. She slowly raises an eyebrow to her girlfriend. "Why? Are we done doing amazing things for today?"

"Okay, okay. If you say so. You're the boss here." The council treasurer faintly chuckles and knowingly smirks. "Got it, bunny boss."

Then, the person outside knocks again thrice, louder than the first set of knocks earlier.

"I'm coming!" Jeongyeon immediately makes her way to the door. "Just a sec."

"Yoo Jeongyeon!" Dahyun's voice is heard loudly echoing within the hallways as soon as the entrance to her fellow council student's room is unlocked. She immediately points a finger to the taller girl and pokes her on the shoulder continuously with force, obviously not in a good mood. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"What— Huh? Tell you what?" Jeongyeon is slowly stepping backwards with the furious girl pushing on her. She tries to stop Dahyun's movement but the latter just quickly swats her hand away. "What are you talking about?"

"You should've told me that Momo's going to be there with me!"

"I'm— Hey, Kim Dahyun." The two of them have now stepped inside the room as the council secretary continues to push Jeongyeon backwards. "What the hell are you talking about? Give me some kind of context here! What's with Momo? What should I have told you?"


Dahyun's loud voice was immediately cut off by an even louder fake clearing of the throat. The two council girls then look to the direction where it came from, further inside the room. Of course, Jeongyeon already knows who it is but it caught the council secretary by surprise.

"Hello, Dahyun." Nayeon flashes her bunny smile while sitting on the bed. The comforter is still pulled up to her neck, wrapped all around her body.

"Babe." Jeongyeon scans her girlfriend's figure unamused. "Do you mind putting on some clothes now?"

"WAIT. What— what— what—" The council secretary's eyes slowly widened. She points her finger to the girl on the bed, then to the one in front of her. Her gaze and her pointy finger went back and forth for a couple of seconds while her mouth was agape. "What the hell did I just walk into?"

The council treasurer promptly chuckles. She looks around for her girlfriend's clothes on the floor. She quickly picks them up after spotting one piece after the other. "Here, babe."

Nayeon simply smiles as she effortlessly catches the clothes thrown to her by her girlfriend.

"Oh, my gosh!" Dahyun closes her eyes. Her face is now blushing red after getting a glimpse of the soccer manager's upper undergarment when Nayeon pulled the comforter down from her neck. "Please tell me you two did not just—"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look what you did to her, Im Nayeon." Jeongyeon stifles a chuckle as she crosses her arms in front of her. "You're going to give her some kind of trauma. You should've taken my offer earlier to get dressed."

"Why? We're all university students here." Nayeon chuckles as she slips her shorts under the comforter. She is now wearing an oversized hoodie on her top. "Wait... Don't tell me—" She abruptly halts her movement to slowly point at the council secretary. "Is Dahyun still...?"

The council treasurer just gives her girlfriend a knowing look and nods.

"OH, MY—" The soccer manager quickly gets back on putting on her shorts underneath and pops out of the bed to properly give an apologetic look to the other girl in the room. "Dahyun, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to corrupt your innocent mind. I'm— UGH!" She suddenly buries her face, feeling her cheeks burn a bit. "Now, I'm feeling embarrassed!"

Dahyun slowly opens one of her eyes to check on Nayeon's clothing state. After confirming that the soccer manager is fully clothed again, she dramatically rolls her eyes and lets out a huge sigh. "It's fine. I was the one who walked in like that without permission. I'm the one who should be sorry."

"Anyway. Before we talk more about your virginity and your rudeness towards me..." Jeongyeon walks to put her arm over the council secretary's shoulder and casually pursues their earlier conversation. "What was that earlier? What did I do that I have not realized? And, why are you so pissed about it?"

—— Two hours ago. At the university's school director office ——

"Dahyun, this is Hirai Momo." The school director introduces the two girls in the room. "She's the student who is doing community service as punishment for her reported school violation."

Momo arrived at the room about two minutes ago but Dahyun's face is still showing how dumbfounded she is with the current situation she is in.

"And Momo, this is Kim Dahyun." The school director points to the council secretary. "She will be the one who will watch over you, making sure you are on track with your tasks and that you properly reflect on your mistakes."

"Hello, Kim." Momo offers a handshake to the council girl while wearing a smirk. "Nice to meet you."

"WHAT ARE YOU—" Dahyun glances at the school director, then subtly rolls her eyes as she takes the soccer captain's hand. She flashes an obviously fake smile. "Nice to meet you, too."

Momo slowly nods while maintaining her playful smirk. "I'm all in your hands now. I hope you don't make it too hard for me for the upcoming days." She leans in towards the other girl's ear and whispers. "I promise I'll be a good girl."

"O— okay. Don't— don't make it sound like— like I'm a cruel person." The council secretary awkwardly laughs and leans back. She abruptly pulls her hand from the other girl's grasp after realizing they were holding hands for a couple of seconds now. "I'll make sure to— to be friend— to understand— to try to be— to— Umm— just to be— Umm—"

Dahyun clears her throat and pauses for a second before regaining her composure. "Let's just get your punishment done peacefully, Ms. Hirai."

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