42 : Hirai Momo

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—— 6AM. At the Junior Dormitories ——

"Mo— Momo?" Dahyun abruptly froze for a second after seeing the soccer captain's figure in front of her dorm room by the hallways.

"Hello, Kim." Momo widely grins while giving the other girl a cheerful wave. "Good morning."

"Good— What's good in the morning when you're the first person I see after getting out of my room?"

"So you really are always prickly, huh? It's just six in the morning and you're already in this mood. That confirms something."

"What—" Dahyun exhales deeply. She just shakes her head and proceeds to lock her dorm room's door. "I'm just like this with people I don't like."

"Really?" Momo leans too close for comfort to the council secretary's cheek from behind. "I didn't know you don't like me, Kim."

Dahyun freezes again for another second after feeling the soccer captain's warm breath on her skin. "I—" She quickly recovers herself, pushes the other girl away, and walks towards the building's stairs. Of course, Momo promptly paces to her side. "What are you doing here so early in the morning, Momo?"

"What do you mean? You don't get it?" The soccer captain nonchalantly answers. "Kim. We're leaving from the same building. We're going to the same place. We're basically doing the same thing— well, except that I'd be the one doing the actual work and you'll just be watching over me making sure I do the actual work."


The soccer captain scoffs. "What do you mean 'So'? I did not expect you to be this slow, Kim. I thought you were smart? Were you just book smart? You don't have common sense or something? Is that why you can't handle your situation with the cheer captain?"

"Oh, gosh." Dahyun roughly ruffles her hair. She is audibly sounding more and more annoyed every second. "Are you seriously not going to shut up about Sana? Why do you keep bringing her up?"

"Why not? Don't you like talking about her?"

"NOT WITH YOU. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO—" The council secretary purses her lips. They are now in the lobby and her loud voice caught the attention of some students passing by. "Please just shut up if you want to walk with me."

"Okay, okay. You didn't have to shout, you know." Momo then finally shrugs and just silently follows Dahyun on her tracks. However, after about just five minutes of silence, she can't help but speak again. "So... about this one sided love that you have."


"The cheer captain never knew?"

Dahyun abruptly stopped her legs to precisely glare daggers at the soccer captain. "Hirai Momo. I'm warning you."

"Either she is super duper dense, or..." Momo continued her statements like she hasn't heard any threat from the council secretary. "You're not just that good at loving another person. I think it's the latter. I mean, look at how you're treating me. For sure, you don't know how to properly love a person."

Dahyun just wears a mocking face. She shakes her head, exhales deeply, and starts walking again.

The soccer captain is keeping a good job though at pacing well with the other girl's strides. "We're going to the botanical garden, right? Why don't we go across this side of the lecture buildings? I want my fans to see me. I may get a paper plane with the number of a hot chick in the process."

"MOMO. Could you please—"

"Ahh. Sorry. Don't be too jealous. I'm not serious about any other girl who I sleep with. They're just past time."

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