Chapter One

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Hi Readers. I know that I have changed things up a lot recently. And the truth is, I have been struggling when it comes to what I want to write. However, I believe that I've finally got something that will be interesting. I hope you guys enjoy. If you guys have any ideas as to where you want to see this story go. Let me know. Thanks again for reading.

She was currently in the midst of packing her latest suitcase, her fourth by her count; the suitcases that she and the man she loves are going to be bringing with them on their trip, a trip that they hope will do them some good. Over the past couple months, the relationship that she's had with the man of her dreams has been horrible; and that worries her. It worries her that she may in fact lose the man of her dreams over something that she wants to give him more than anything in the entire world. And that's a child, children that they can raise together. But unfortunately, she can't; as it's too risky for her to be pregnant with her aneurysm. God, the fight that the couple had a couple months ago is still in her mind every single day. Especially that horrible thing that he told her, how she can't have kids. But that was not what she was trying to concentrate on at the moment. Rather, Gabby was trying to concentrate on the fact that she and Matt are going to save their marriage, which is something that she wants to do more than anything in the entire world. She loves Matt, and he loves her too.

It's going to be so nice to be away from Chicago, and Sylvie Brett. God, the way that paramedic treated her was just horrible. But she's forgiven her, she had to. She can't keep the hate in, as she knows that she was partially to blame. She went onto the call with a bunch of bad thoughts in her mind, and that wasn't fair to her. She needed to have her at her best, and she wasn't at her best at the time. Rather, she was at her worst; and their patients didn't deserve that. And it was all due to that stupid fight that she and Matt were having that day. The fight about something that the couple really need to talk about. How they plan on having children. And they definitely will have a chance to do that. The reason Gabby is so sure of that fact? Well, it's due to the fact that (as we just said); they're getting away together. And the trip that they're taking isn't just going to be this short trip that's going to be easy on the both of them. Rather, the trip will be for months. Just her, and the man she loves more than anything in the entire world together for months; stuck in a van. An RV to be precise.

Yes, Matt and Gabby have decided to take an RV trip together so that they can just get away; get away and save their marriage. And, while at first she was a bit hesitant (since she was originally planning to go back to Puerto Rico), she agreed to it when Matt made her realized that she belongs with him; and that he would literally do anything for them to be together. So, that's exactly what they're going to do. They're going to do whatever it takes for them to be together, and they are going to just take a bunch of time away. Time to enjoy each other's company and see the United States. That's going to be a lot of fun, and she has a feeling that Matt is just as excited as she is for their trip that they are going to take together for months; heck, they may even be gone for years. But that was going to be fine, as it's what they need to do. They've never taken a honeymoon, and they just need to get away with each other. And this sounds like a lot of fun. That's when Gabby heard her loving husband walk into the bedroom this morning to see her packing. "I can see you smiling."

Looking up at the man of her dreams, Gabby smiled as she agreed with him. "Yeah, I'm smiling." Matt nodded when he heard Gabby say that, really happy over the fact that she's smiling right now. He then proceeded to carry over the other suitcase that he recently went out and purchased for their trip, him needing another suitcase for more clothes. "So, did you already get the RV that we rented?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling at her. "Yeah, I did. And I already made sure that I learned how to attach the car to it." Setting their suitcases down on the bed, Matt smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife; glad that she was here with him rather than elsewhere. He wants her here with him, and he wants to be her husband. Walking up to her, Matt smiled due to the fact that this is what he wants in life. He wants to be with the woman of his dreams, and he wants to be madly in love with her each and every day for the rest of his life; and she is well aware of that fact. That's why she's here, and why she's not going back to Puerto Rico. Rather, she's going to stay.

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