Chapter Sixteen: Mr. & Ms. Chief Casey?

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Well, now if this isn't a nice question to talk about for a bit. What do you guys think about this question? Let me know what you guys think, and what the answer should be. But for now, it's time to get to Chapter 16 of our story. Enjoy dear readers.

"Honestly, I haven't really ever thought about that question." Gabby was a bit taken aback when she heard Matt say that he's never thought of question that she just asked him, especially when they joked about it in the past. She can still remember it like it was yesterday, right before he was promoted to Captain Casey. "How have you not thought about it baby? It was just a year ago that I first brought it up, remember?" Matt laughed when Gabby asked him if he remembered what she said that day. "Oh, I remember." Gabby agreed with him when he said that, smirking. "God, I thought of the last name thing first then." Matt agreed with his wife. "You're the one that called yourself Ms. Captain Casey first, and then you said that it was the first step to the title of Ms. Chief Casey. So, I think you already had it in your mind that you wanted to go by the title of Ms. Casey from then on." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, well aware that was the truth.

"Being completely honest, I think I wanted to do it since we got married." Matt was shocked when he heard Gabby say that. "Then do you mind if I ask why you have yet to start going to by the title that you have? The title that you have as my wife?" Gabby sighed. "I think, the reason I was going to go by Ms. Casey after we got married..." Gabby sighed as she started to think about the little boy that they lost, Louie. And while she knew that he was with a good family, with his father; it does hurt sometimes when she thinks about how she almost made Matt a dad even if she wasn't pregnant. Heck, maybe if they kept him...she would've never ran away to go to Puerto Rico. Rather, she would've stayed here as they raised their child together. And that would've been nice. "I think I was going to do it, up until..." Matt just knew right away what she was trying to say. "You were going to do it up until we lost Louie." Gabby agreed with Matt when he mentioned the reason.

"I guess, I just wanted it to be right. I wanted it to be Matt, Gabby, and Louie Casey. But after we lost him, it didn't seem like it really mattered. So, I just stayed Dawson." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, taking a breath. "If you want to stay that way, then I'll be okay with that Gabby." Gabby was a bit taken aback when she heard Matt say that. "Matt, you just said that..." Matt bit his lip. "I know what I said but, I didn't think of those implications. I mean, if you want to take my last name; I would be thrilled, and I would be fine since it is your name. But, I guess it's harder for you than I thought; as it reminds you of the fact that we almost had Louie, that we were already almost a family." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, not really happy over the fact of what he's implying. "Yeah, I can't help but wonder what would've happened if that never happened. If we never had Andre come into our lives, or if Louie never came into our lives."

Matt was shocked when he heard Gabby question what would've happened if Louie never came into their life, as that was a huge shock to him. He thought that, if anybody would ever question would've been him rather than Gabby. I mean, as much as he hates the idea of them questioning the 'what ifs' of Louie not being in their lives; he just wishes that it was him rather than Gabby who was doing that questioning, as she was the one who really loved him. I mean, Matt did eventually love him as his own son...heck, he saw him as his own son. But the truth was, Gabby was the one that was the most heartbroken. "Is it just me or, has this time in our lives been the longest time without a fight or drama?" Matt snickered a bit, liking the way that Gabby brought a big of laughter into the conversation; not that he likes what she's implying with the conversation. Rather, she absolutely hates what she's implying; that they've never been happy.

"God, I hate even thinking that way." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware of the fact that he hated to think that way. "I'm sorry that I even brought it up baby. I mean it. If you don't want to talk about it..." Matt shook his head when he heard Gabby say that. "Hey, look at me. Well, listen to me more like it." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that. "Listen, I want us to agree right here, right matter how hard or hurtful some conversations may be, we still have them. Gabby, I know that this is a hard conversation for us; but that's what marriage is. It's full of hard conversations that you need to have with your spouse. And right now, we're having this hard conversation with each other. Sure, do I like having the conversation? Of course I don't baby, I hate having this conversation because the subject is heartbreaking. Yet, at the same time, it's something that came up...and I think that we should talk about it for that reason." Gabby agreed.

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