(51) A Dawson Thanksgiving - Part Two

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Hi Readers, and welcome to another day of chapters for this nice journey that I'm currently taking you on. I hope that you are all enjoying the journey that I am taking Matt and Gabby on right now. And I really wouldn't be opposed to you guys giving me some feedback. So, let me know what you guys think. Now, here we go with Chapter Fifty-One.

Sitting into the living room with his brother-in-law, Matthew Casey smiled as this was nice. Being here, surrounded by family on thanksgiving; it was exactly what both himself and his wife needed today. Plus, Matt needs to get used to this after all; being surrounded by this family constantly. He knows full well that, the moment his children are born; they are going to be over at his place constantly to spend time with them. And there's also a possibility that his mother-in-law moves in with them in the early months of his children's lives. However, that's still something that he has to talk to Gabby about; as he's thinking of (trying) to get in touch with his mother once again, and he might try and convince Gabby to let her move in (he thinks he already did though) so that she could get the experience that she never got when Christie gave birth. But that's a conversation that doesn't need to happen at his moment, as Matt is not currently speaking to his wife. Rather, he's currently speaking to his police officer brother-in-law about a topic he has questions for him about: his recent job change.

Or more specifically, his lack of a job at the moment. He just hopes that his brother-in-law understands why he decided to leave the fire department once again, especially since he has been in a similar situation before; as you all know, Antonio's own son was kidnapped by Pulpo a few years back. And the truth was, he really doubts that anybody would have blamed the father if he wanted to leave the police department after that event; and that's why Matt believes that, as a father, Antonio will understand why Matt decided to leave the CFD (again) so that he can stay safe. So that he can stay safe, for the sake of his pregnant wife; and for the sake of his future children. The children that he wants to meet (and raise) more than anything in the entire world, as it's always been a dream of his to be a father; and with it being so close to coming to fruition, Matt doesn't want to put it at risk more than he has to. And he just knows himself too well that, this event that he just experienced (with Benny being a father); it will throw him off, and it may put his chance of being a father on the line.

Now, it's just time to explain that to his brother-in-law; his brother-in-law who is quite judgmental, and he knows it. Taking a breath, Matt was about to start talking when he heard his lovely wife walk over to him. "Here, I decided to bring you guys some water." Turning his head to look up at his wife, Matt smiled as that was exactly what he needed right now; he needed something to start the conversation, that was not related to the topic that the two gentlemen were ultimately going to be discussing this afternoon. Seeing his beautiful wife walk up to him, Matt smiled as he went to grab the glass she gave him. "Thanks baby." Gabby smiled when she heard Matt say that, well aware that he was quite relieved that she just came over here at the moment. She then watched as he got up from the couch that he was sitting on so that he could wrap his arm around her, which was something that she definitely enjoyed feeling. Getting close to her, Matt smiled as he pressed his lips to her forehead before whispering to her. "Thanks, I'm just trying to think of what to say." Gabby agreed with her husband.

Looking up at him, Gabby smiled as she kissed him softly. "Just tell him the truth. Now listen, I just got this burst of energy. I'm going to help my mom, and I already asked her to watch me closely. You just take some time to breathe and talk to my brother okay baby? My mom's got me." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that, smiling as he proceeded to grab her hand. Stroking it with his thumb, he smirked as he watched Gabby walk away from him; swaying her hips in the process, Gabby made sure that he was going to earn her tonight. "Oh you....if only I could swear right now." Antonio just laughed when he heard his brother-in-law say that, well aware of just what he was talking about; he was talking about the fact that his sister just turned him on right now. "Hey, that's the price you pay for getting a woman pregnant. She's hormonal, and needs to tease you all the time." Gabby groaned when Antonio said that. "Don't remind me. God, did Laura have to wear her blouses like that all the time! Now, talk boys. I'm helping mom." Antonio agreed with his sister, smiling at her.

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