(112) New Year's Day - Part Six

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys. I got distracted, started to do something else for a bit, and then I went to make myself supper. But now, I'm back and I'm ready to write you this chapter. So, let's get to it.

An Hour Later, 11 AM – Casey Primary Suite
Her best friend ended up falling asleep as they sat in bed together and worked on some designs, which was something that the co-founder of ELLA Apparel hadn't yet noticed; that was, until she felt a tug on the blankets that she was sitting on top of. Turning her head, Stella then took notice that Gabby was asleep; shaking her head, she smiled as her best friend truly looked adorable while she slept. As much as she wanted to work on the clothing line with her, she just had this feeling that this was going to happen. And let's just say that it was quite adorable, she was quite adorable; the way she was sleeping just made her smile. She just looked so peaceful this morning, and she hated the fact that she might have to wake the future mom up when she got up out of her bed. The bed where her and her husband might have had fun in the night before. Then again, she could only assume this based on how tired her friend was. But back to what she's in the midst of doing now.

Quietly getting up out of the bed, Stella smiled as she took one last look at her best friend so that she could let her best friend rest. Grabbing her sketch pad from the bed, Stella was about to walk around the bed so that she could close the blinds until she heard Matt. "Hey, what are you doing?" Turning to look at the man she sees as a brother-in-law, Stella smiled at him before once again turning to look at her best friend. "Uhm." Matt then realized something. "Oh, did she fall asleep?" Stella nodded as Matt asked her whether his wife fell asleep this morning. "How's the incorporation papers going?" Matt snickered. "It didn't take as long as I thought, which is good for you...but not as good for me. I hoped that I would force Kelly to work longer than it took." Stella agreed with Matt when he said that, snickering a bit. "Let me guess, you just wanted to spend a bit of time with Kelly?" Matt smiled, agreeing with the newlywed as she asked him that.

"Yes. But, I can now tell you that your husband is waiting for you in bed." Stella smirked when she heard matt say that, well aware of just what he was trying to tell her. "Ok. Well, I'm going to get out of here, then you can spend some time with her. Just let her rest, and make sure that she takes it easy." Matt agreed with Stella when she said that, smiling as she walked up to him. "Trust me, I'm going to do just that. I know what to do Stella, this isn't the first time." Stella nodded when the CEO said that, smiling as she walked up to him. She then proceeded to hug him, smiling as Matt did the same this morning. "Well, I hope that you can try and get in bed with her without waking her up." Matt agreed with Stella when she said that before a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, I have my ways." Stella shook her head when she heard Matt say that, really not interested in what those 'ways' were; after all, she thought that they were sexual ways (they aren't just to be clear).

"First of all, I am not talking about sexually. Just take it easy and go see your husband." Stella agreed with Matt, before walking out of the primary suite so that she could give the couple some privacy; privacy that was welcome as Gabby was tired, and she (probably) wanted her husband to join her in bed.. After all, what wife doesn't like to sleep in her husband's arms when she's tired; so, that's exactly what Matt is going to allow her to do. However, he was also going to try and get in bed with her while also trying to keep her asleep. But the truth was, Matt had a feeling that he would end up coming up here to be with her; that's always the case anyways, because he loves spending time with his wife. Now, time to do whatever he needs to do in order to keep his gorgeous wife asleep; however, he couldn't help but take a glance at her first. God, she truly is just the most beautiful woman in the entire world; and that's even more the case when she's pregnant.

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