(79) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part Four

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Hello readers, and welcome to another day of chapters; I hope that you enjoyed the first part of their anniversary chapters that I have written for you guys so far, as I am ready to write the next few parts of their anniversary today. So, I hope that you're ready to enjoy them. Thanks again for reading my story. Now, let's start with chapter seventy-nine. Enjoy readers.

"What are we doing for Christmas this year?" -Gabriela Casey

The movie was playing, the couple were relaxing in each other's arms as they laid down in bed together, and everything was absolutely perfect as they enjoyed spending time together on their second wedding anniversary. But little did Matt know that this conversation would've taken the turn that it took. The turn that they were currently taking, and that the topic that they are currently talking about would be the topic that they spoke about right now. The truth was, Matt hadn't really thought about Christmas yet; and that was probably due to the fact that it didn't exactly feel like Christmas yet here in Hawaii. Normally, there would be snow on the ground by this time; but that was only while they were living in Chicago. Since they no longer lived in Chicago, there will never be snow here; and that's something else that he needs to think about, as he's going to want to have their kids experience snow sometime in their lives. But that was not the current topic on hand. Rather, the topic was something about the plans that they need to make with each other for the holidays this year.

The holidays that were now only 19 days away, and that they would really need to make a decision about within the next week to 10 days; that way, they can make sure that they get the plane tickets at the right time. But Matt also knew that he and Gabby did need to speak about, since they need to have other conversations with other people about this as well; more specifically, the rest of their family. But first, they need to think about the many factors that need to go into their decision; and more specifically, they need to talk about how he wasn't sure whether he wants to go to the mainland when they also need to worry about something else...and that would be how Gabby is feeling. At the end of the day, they need to worry about the pregnancy more than how they want to be with their family in Chicago over Christmas. So, that's what they're going to talk about right now. They're going to talk about their Christmas plans, and how he thinks that they should be here rather than with their friends and family in Chicago for the sake of their twins; and Gabby's health as well.

Taking a breath, Matt put his hand on her stomach and looked at his beautiful wife so that they could talk about this. "Ok. So, listen, we need to talk about this." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, moving her hand to his; the hand that she clearly felt Matt move to her stomach. And that led to her knowing exactly what they needed to talk about; they needed to talk about the fact that she's pregnant, and that she hasn't been feeling the best right now. So, that's where they're going to start right now. "Listen, I am not going to state the obvious. I'm going to start with the fact that you haven't been feeling the best right now, and that we have been staying in bed a lot more often; not that I'm really complaining as I love spending time in bed with my beautiful wife." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt tell her that, putting her hand on his as they both held each other close. Just stroking her loving husband's hand as they both held each other close in bed. Grabbing it wedding band, Gabby smiled as she twirled it on his finger; but that started to hurt a bit. "Okay, that hurts a bit."

Gabby got worried when she heard Matt say that it hurts a bit. "It hurts you baby? What's wrong?" Matt then went to look at his ring. "Oh, it's just a bit tight." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that the ring that he wears is quite tight on his finger; which is has to be so that he didn't loose it in his glove. "You had it tightened when you almost lost it in your glove once, didn't you?" Matt nodded as Gabby asked him whether he got it resized after almost loosing it in his glove once. He then kissed her forehead, smirking as he looked down at his girl. "I hope that's okay? I didn't wear it for a week this past summer." Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her if it was okay that he didn't wear it for a week, just so that he could get it refitted onto his finger. "Hey, of course it's okay baby. I want you to enjoy wearing your ring, and I want it to be comfortable on your finger." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby tell him that she's okay with him having his ring resized. "I just hope that you don't take it off ever again, especially when you're going to be wanted by crazy women."

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