Chapter Sixty-Three

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Well, the end of the last chapter did take quite a turn now didn't it? Well, this chapter is going to be a bit all over the place. First, I am going to start with a blog post, and then I am going to go with Matt for a bit. I hope it works out, and I hope that you guys enjoy it. Let me know what you guys think of this format that I wrote for you guys. Thanks again. Now, here's 63.

Firehouse 51 - He snuck in for a moment, not wanting to attract attention for the moment as he got ready to empty his locker for the last time; as he was going to try and just get in and out of the locker room before Cruz gets here. With him taking over Squad 3 while Kelly's out, he's asked him to help him figure out all of the forms. And the truth was, he was more than happy to help him out; as it meant that he could contribute one last time to the smooth flowing of this firehouse, which is the least he could do for his best friend. But right now, that was not what the husband and former firefighter was currently concentrating on. Rather, he was currently concentrating on his locker. The locker that's filled with a bunch of memories that he has kept for years, and they are all special to him. But this is no longer his locker, as he has left the firehouse for good. He just can't do it anymore, he can't put stress on his wife; that's not fair to her when she's pregnant with their twins, and he feels like a horrible husband whenever he thinks about trying to come back here. So, that's no longer what he's going to do. Rather, he's going to concentrate on his new future. A future that's out of the firehouse.

A future that includes helping the fire academy train the next generation of firefighters. And that was something that really did excite the future father, as he felt like it was going to prepare him for what he's going to do in the future; he's going to raise his and Gabby's children to the best of his ability, and he's going to get them ready for their life in their world when they're 18. Sure, he's not going to be perfect when he does it; but he's going to try his best and just make sure that he does everything he can. And that's going to be so much fun, as he's always wanted to be a father; he just wishes that he got to do it with Andy's help. And he thinks that's another reason why he had to come here today. He's been thinking about Andy for a bit, and he wanted to just come be in the last place where they shared a laugh with each other; the last place where Andy spoke to him about how he wanted to try and convince Heather to go for more kids. Yes, Andy wanted to go for a third child; more specifically, he wanted to go for a daughter. Heck, he can still remember the last conversation that they had here in this locker room. A conversation that he never knew would be the last one that he'd ever have with his friend.


"I mean seriously guys; do you have any pointers for how in the world I can talk to Heather about going for a daughter?" Matt just laughed when he heard his truck-mate (and best friend) talk to him about how he can convince his wife to go for a daughter. He then noticed that everybody was looking at him. "Why yare you guys looking at me? I can barely get my fiancé to choose a wedding venue, let alone agree to have kids." Andy agreed with his lieutenant when he mentioned that. "Still lucking out on convincing Hallie to have a baby someday?" That's when Gabby walked in. "Don't force her Matt, she'll come around; if not, you'll certainly find someway to have children. Right now, just get her to marry you. I have a dress to wear!"


It wasn't lost on the husband though, that the woman who told him to just get his fiancé to marry now his wife. It's a weird turn of events, but he's definitely happy that they're married rather than him and Hallie. He just has this feeling that he would never be as happy as he is with Gabby if he were married to Hallie; rather, he would be miserable and in a very unhappy marriage. Heck, they might even get divorced shortly after getting married. So, he's happy for the fact that he and Gabby are married rather than him and Hallie; and that's even more the case due to the fact that they are having twins. He still can't believe that's the case, as he didn't know that he had twin genes in him. Gabby says that they never had twins in her family, so it must be through him them. Whatever, they're happy to have twins, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. But right now, he doesn't need to think about his twins; he needs to think about everything he has to do here at the firehouse now that he's done emptying his locker, something that he just did for the final time. And it was not lost on either the Captain, or the Chief that just walked into the locker room that it was a bit of an emotional event for him.

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