Chapter Thirty-Four: Are You Sick?

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Sorry about how long it took me to get both this chapter (and Chapter Thirty-Three) out. However, that's the price you have to pay for the quality of writing that I hope to give you guys. Now, let's not waste time keeping you waiting for how that conversation is going to go; because, just like you, that conversation definitely took a turn that I didn't expect. It came out of the blue, and I didn't even expect that to come out. But, I am definitely going to keep it because I love the outcome.

"Sis, is that why Matt's here? Are you sick? God, why didn't you tell me? Sis, I would've come much..." Gabby definitely did not see their conversation taking this turn, especially when she's currently pregnant with her and Matt's first children. Heck, the expecting mother was shocked that her brother was even thinking that way, as it was not something that she thought her brother would think about. Does he really think that this would be the first time that she would be talking to him about this if she was sick? She would've called him the moment she got back from the doctor. Yet, she was just in the pool. She would not have done that if she was sick. But God, just the idea of her being sick with something that could kill her while she's pregnant made her scared; and that was especially the case after having lived that way for the past couple months only to learn that she got a misdiagnosis. And now that she's pregnant with her first children, she didn't want to think that way. Heck, even starting to think that way was starting to make her feel as if she couldn't breathe, like she was suffocating.

She truly didn't know what to say at the moment, as she didn't need to think this way; she didn't need to think about that possibility ever again. The possibility of never meeting her children, never meeting her twins; the twins that she wants to meet more than anything in the entire world. Taking another breath, she just tried to breathe. And Antonio couldn't help but notice that, notice that his baby sister was finding it hard to breathe. So, he decided to call his brother-in-law. "Hey Casey! Can you get me some water for Gabby?" Just hearing that made the husband worry, worry about whether his wife was okay; and that was especially the case when she's pregnant. Walking over to the fridge, Matt proceeded to swing it open and just went to grab a water bottle for his wife. Rushing into the living room where his wife was currently scared, he started to get worried. Looking at Antonio, Matt got worried. "What did you do? What did you say? What'd you tell her?"

Antonio then got up, worried. At the same time, Matt proceeded to walk over to his wife and sat down next to her. Opening the water bottle he grabbed for her, Matt put his hand on his wife's back to try and get her to calm down "Hey, here's some water baby. Take a breath and relax for me baby." Matt then turned to look at Antonio. "What did you tell her? Why is she acting like this?" Antonio then looked at his brother-in-law, shocked that he was speaking this way to him. "I can ask you the same thing. Why's she acting this way when it's a valid question! Why didn't she tell me that she's si..." Matt was a bit shocked (to say the least) when he heard his brother-in-law say that he thought that his wife was sick. "She isn't sick you idiot! She's pregnant!" Turning to look at his sister, Antonio was shocked. "You're pregnan..." Matt just looked at Antoino. "Can you go take care of supper? I need to concentrate on my wife right now." Antonio agreed with Matt, walking away.

He then proceeded to walk away to the kitchen so that he can take care of making them some supper, as he was not the man that his sister needed to take care of her right now; right now, she needed to be taken care of her husband (and the father of her children). At the same time, Matt looked at the woman he  loves, concern clearly visible in his eyes as the woman he loves was shaking; she was just shaking out of pure fear, fear of the idea that she's sick, or she's going to die. That was definitely not something that the couple wanted to think about, especially not when they just got past the possibility that she would die simply because she's pregnant. Heck, that their children are going to be okay. And this is definitely not what Matt wanted to have to worry about right now. "Hey, take a breath and just breathe for me. Just turn your head and look into my eyes." Matt said, well aware of the fact that his wife was having a panic attack.

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