(75) "I Want to Plan a Real Wedding" -Gabriela Casey

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Wow. Here we are, Chapter Seventy-Five. Little did I know that, when I published this story almost three weeks ago now; that we'd be here, in this situation w here I am currently at over 300K words and writing the seventy-fifth chapter to my story. I hope you guys have really been enjoying this journey with me, including all of the ups and down that I've taken you on. Now, I wanted to let you know that I just re-wrote the latest dream chapter (chapter seventy-two) if you guys want to read the updated dream; I did add a bunch to the chapter, and I made it much longer than before. But now, let's get to me actually writing a chapter that moves our current story (rather than dreams) along in the current timeline. Enjoy readers.

After hearing Gabby mention how, she wants to have a real wedding, Matt smiled as he knew exactly what she meant by that; and he couldn't help but actually smile at the sound of them having a real wedding. It sounds absolutely perfect due to the fact that they never really had a real wedding, nor did they have a wedding reception. They never had the whole works, nor did they ever have a first dance, a first look, and she never got a chance to wear a wedding dress. He just wish that they would've been together much sooner than they originally had, as there were some people that they both know that they would've wanted to be there; and not just as guests, but as members of their wedding party. More specifically, Shay and Andy; their best friends, who would've been their maid of honor and best man respectfully. And that's something that they both are already well aware that they are never going to experience, as they weren't together when they should've been.

Matt now knows, as much as he hates to think it, that he should've never been with Hallie; rather, Gabby was always the woman that he should've been with...and maybe it would've led to them getting married sooner, before their best friends died in some horrible tragedies that have affected the both of them in incredible ways; yet, it's also brought them closer as they both know what it's like to go on in life without your best friend...and that's something that they can both help each other out with, and they do help each other out with each and every day; especially when it comes to the fact that Matt has a new best friend, and that's not Severide. Rather, his new best friend is his wife; and that will always be the case, as Gabby is the love of his life. But that was not what Matt should be thinking about right now. Rather, he needs to be thinking about what Gabby just told him, how she wants to have a real wedding. And the truth was, that was really appealing to Matt too.

He wants to have the whole works for the both of them, as it's something that they both deserve; they both deserve to have a special day that they can remember for their entire lives, with a bunch of pictures of his beautiful wife wearing a big beautiful white dress...and Matt wearing the most handsome tux that he's ever worn, which is something that he's never done. However, if they start a business together...then they are definitely going to have to get used to, as they are going to need to dress up whenever they have business meetings. But once again, that's not what Matt needs to think about; he needs to think about the topic that he and Gabby both want to talk about right now, which is how Gabby wants to plan a real wedding for the both of them. "God, you hate the idea. You know what, just forget that...." Matt just stopped her when she started to say that. "Hey, don't you dare think that way baby, that's not at all what I'm thinking about right now."

Gabby just looked at Matt when he told her that he wasn't thinking that way, and she really believed him when he told her that; because she had no reason not to believe the man she loves, especially when they're talking about this. There's just a way that Matt's talking to her that makes her believe that he's actually thinking about the idea in a positive way, which is the way that Gabby hoped that Matt would think of the idea in the first place. Taking a breath, Gabby looked at Matt. "So, can I ask you whether you're thinking about this idea in a positive or negative light?" Matt smiled when Gabby asked him whether he's thinking about the idea that she just proposed to him in a positive or negative light, which he was doing in a positive light (of course); and that was due to the fact that he wants that for her, for them. He wants to have a wedding with the woman of his dreams, a wedding where they can take pictures that they can show their twins someday.

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