(127) The Guilt Never Goes Away

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Hi Readers: Sorry, but I decided to end the date earlier than expected. I just didn't have many ideas for the date, but I would really like to just concentrate on them at home. Thank you so much for reading; here's the next chapter.

The sight in front of Matt was horrible, and he now understood why his wife wanted to come home. Why she wanted to be home in bed with him, as it happened again. She threw up all over her husband, the moment they stepped out of the Tesla. And now, she was just standing in the shower once again; hiding from her husband, as she didn't want to face him once again. She doesn't know at all what's up with her, or her stomach. And she just feels like she needs to take it easy, and she needs to relax right now. Maybe it's the stress that she's been under recently. The fact that she's worried that she's doing something wrong. Having just stripped down to his boxers and wrapped his towel around his waist; Matt was now ready to join his wife in the shower so that he can make her feel better. He wants to make her feel better, and he wants to make her feel loved. Taking off his towel this afternoon, Matt went to hang it up next to Gabby's so that he can join her in the shower.

Quietly opening the shower stall, Matt looked at his wife as she just washed herself up; the wife, having not expected her husband to join her up here, just continued to listen to her music while she showered up. She thought that her husband was currently outside, cleaning up the Tesla. But as you know, Matt is now on his way into the shower with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire way in the world; that way, he'll be able to hold her as he makes her feel better, which is something that he can always do. Just looking at the woman he loves, Matt took a breath before stepping into the shower behind Gabby. Afterwards, Matt proceeded to move his hands to Gabby's hips and then bent down to leave a soft kiss on her shoulder. Taking a breath as she felt Matt kiss her shoulder, Gabby decided to speak to him. "Hey." Matt sighed. "Hey." Gabby then tried to keep herself from turning around, but Matt was not going to let that happen. He needs to hold her.

"Hey, turn around and look at me baby. Just turn around and look at me." Gabby took a breath, doing just that before stepping close to the man of her dreams and wrapping her arms around his neck; putting his hands on Gabby's arms, Matt leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. Just taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smiled as he started to make her feel better. "I think we both know what this means." Gabby looked at Matt when he said that. "What do you mean?" Matt smiled at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, and the future mother of his children. "We're done with eating out." Gabby smiled when Matt said that. "I hate that me throwing up means that you can't enj..." Matt then stopped the woman he loves from saying anything else. Putting his hand on Gabby's neck, Matt proceeded to step close to her and kiss her forehead softly. "Hey, look up at me." Gabby agreed, doing just that today.

"The guilt is just hard to take sometimes." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, well aware that she was currently feeling quite guilty over how she threw up over him; she always feels guilty over throwing up all over her loving husband. Putting his hand on the side of Gabby's neck, Matt leaned in and proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. At the same time, Gabby cuddled up to him and just laid her head down on his chest. Afterwards, she started to cry into his chest. Stroking Gabby's cheek, Matt was a bit confused as he kissed the side of her head and just held him close. "Hey, what's wrong baby? I can see that you're hurting right now." Gabby then looked up at Matt. "I want it to stop! I want it to end! I want to stop feeling like hell! This is not how it should be! I'm supposed to feel beautiful, to feel sex, to feel happy to be pregnant. But I'm hating it. I hate being pregnant, because I'm sick; and I just threw up all over my husband in his new car once again."

Matt then went to stop Gabby. "Hey, are you really worried about the car baby? Please, if this is about the car; then I do not want you to worry about the car. Baby, I mean that. Everything is fine, and I'm just glad that you're okay. That's truly all that matters to me." Gabby took a breath when her husband told her that. She then just started to tear up again, really hating how she's feeling right now. She hates how she just did this to him. Wrapping his arms around Gabby, Matt brought the woman he loves close to her and just held her close to him. Afterwards, Matt turned his head and kissed the side of his head once again. "Baby, you want to go lay down in bed and just take it easy together? We can hold each other close, and we can relax together." Gabby took a breath as she looked at her husband. "Can we talk about that?" Matt was confused. "About what baby?" Gabby just sighed. "Maybe we just stay in bed for the rest of the pregnancy..." Matt nodded.

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