Chapter Twenty-Eight: Baby One, Baby Two

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Hello Readers:
I know that I have previously posted this chapter as Chapter Twenty-Nine. However, I have decided to cancel the dream chapter that I wrote; and instead, I am just going to leave this as Chapter Twenty-Eight. Hope you understand. Thanks.

An hour later, Casey Home:
Matt was ecstatic, that's the only way to describe how the husband was feeling right now; the feeling that came with getting a new title that he's going to hold until May. That title? Pending father. It's a title that Matt's wanted his entire life. And now, he has it as Gabby is currently pregnant with not just one of his (future) children, but two of his future children. Yes, you heard that right. This May, Matt and Gabby will become parents to two beautiful children. It truly is a dream come true, and it was exactly what he wanted to hear. It's what the both of them have wanted to hear, as they have always wanted a big family. And now, that's exactly what's happening as Gabby is currently 6 weeks pregnant with their twins. And now, after having a quick round of McDonalds (their last fast-food meal for a while); Matt was ready to take his wife to bed so that they could celebrate the fact that they were going to become parents next year. But first, he has to find his wife.

He just went into the bedroom this afternoon, only to find that their bed was empty. She should be there, clad in some sexy lingerie which he was going to run his hands all over as a way to tease her. He was going to hold her in his arms, and they were going to celebrate the fact that they're having twins this year. But now, he has no idea where she is; and they need to find out where that is. So, he decided to call out for her. "Gabby?" Hearing her husband call out for her, Gabby spoke up. "Oh, office babe." Matt then proceeded to walk into their office, clad in nothing but his boxers as he was going to tease his wife; that being due to the fact that she was already wearing lingerie for him. But what he didn't understand was, why she was in the office rather than in bed. In their comfortable bed, where he was going to make love to her; that's where she should be right now after all, in their bed where he can take it easy with her. "Hey, why are you in here babe?"

Looking up at her husband, Gabby took a breath as she had a long on her mind. Sensing that, Matt made his way over to her. "Hey, you okay?" Gabby took a breath as he asked her that, turning to look at the designs that she made for some homes that she wanted to build with Matt; homes that she wanted to work on with him rather than have him build them alone. She was actually going to do hands on work. But now, she wasn't going to be able to do what she wanted to do in the first place; and that was help the people of Puerto Rico. She felt selfish, selfish that she wanted to have a child with the man she loves, when Puerto Rico is still in need of so much help. So, the emotions were high at the moment; add in the hormones, and it isn't the best. "Oh, you found some of the designs." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that. "Designs that I'm not going to be able to oversee. Is it wrong that I feel sad, even though that this is the life we want?"

Matt could hear the sadness in her voice, the sadness that she's not going to be able to help oversee some of the projects that she's been tasked with overseeing in her new role; and that's all due to the fact that she's currently pregnant with their children. God, children; now that certainly is a dream come true for the husband and wife. Never in a million years did they ever believe that they would be having twins. I mean, they had those dreams that they would have twins in the future, but they never believed that they would actually come true. But here they are, coming true as we speak. Gabby is currently pregnant with their twins. "I had this dream just last night of being pregnant with twins, yet I still thought it was a while away. But now, it's here; and I can't help but have a bunch of mixed feelings about it." Matt agreed with his wife when she told him that, proceeding to kiss her forehead softly. He just knew that this was hard on her, and not what she needs.

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