The Casey's Puerto Rico Journey - Blog Entry

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Hello Readers, and welcome to Puerto Rico: I hope that you guys are okay with the change of scenery that I have for you guys. Now, I am well aware that I have previously posted another Chapter Twenty in the story; but I decided that I don't want to start their life in Puerto Rico with a miscarriage. Rather, I want to start with them having fun with each other. I hope you understand, and that you continue to read. Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story I have for you.

October 13, 2018: A New Introduction

Dear Readers of the Former Casey Travel Blog,
Sorry for being absent from the blog for the past couple days, but there has been a lot going on in the past few days that you are not aware about; and it has required that both myself and my husband have been quite busy. That also meant that I haven't exactly had time to post, as we had a lot to do before we started this new journey that we've recently begin. But what new journey? You may ask, especially when we just recently started another journey (the road trip). Well, thank you for asking. And that's why I'm here, to let you guys know why we have been MIA for a while, and why the title of this blog has changed from 'The Casey Travel Blog' to 'The Casey's Puerto Rico Journey'. Well first, let me give you a bit of background as to just why that's the case. As you all know, we have had marital problems in the past; and some of those problems are problems that we still need to talk about. But that doesn't mean that me and my husband don't still love each other. Rather, it's the opposite; as we are now more in love than ever, and that's why we're here together. Over the past couple weeks, we have came to some realizations in our marriage that have also caused us to re-evaluate some aspects of our life. And no, it's not that we're splitting up; rather, we are going to be staying together for the rest of our lives. But that doesn't mean that the rest of our lives is going to be spent in the same city; the city where our relationship began, Chicago.

Rather, our life has moved to a new place altogether. Two weeks ago, me and Matt said goodbye to our previous home of Chicago to go on our road trip; but we never expected this to happen, neither of us did. But over the past little while, me and my husband have been talking; and we've come to a realization about the City of Chicago, and what it means for us. The City of Chicago is no longer our home. It's no longer our home due to the fact that we have had a lot of bad experiences there in the City. Whether be family issues, problems that happened between us, us having lost friends and family there; and just a bunch of tragic events that we do not need to explain, it's a lot to live with every single day. And recently, we've realize how much better we feel when we're away from the City; how we're both much happier, and laughing with each other like we did when we first got married. And that's what we really want in life. We want to be happy with each other, and we want to be in love with each other. We don't want drama in our marriage, and nor do we want to feel like we need to be judged for what we do, or don't do in our marriage. (Not that our friends do that). However, there is something else that we just feel we need; we feel like we need a change of scenery, and that's exactly what Puerto Rico gives us an opportunity to have. It offers us to have a change of scenery, while we also do something that can give back to others.

Now, what do I mean by that? Well, here's the thing; we aren't exactly moving here without something to help with the bills. Yes, we are going to have this blog to help with sponsors; but we actually already have jobs down here. Since we moved down here, me and Matt have started to volunteer with a charity called the Emergency Disaster and Relief Global Aid Organization. (Try saying that five times fast). This charity provides funding to relief efforts in Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and wherever else need be after a natural disaster occurs. And right now, we are here helping with Puerto Rico. In fact, I am not just helping with the recovery efforts; rather, I am a leader of a team of men and women. People who have given up their lives to come help down here. Doctors, nurses, surgeons, contractors, teachers, sand so many other people that can help make a huge difference in the world. And I am so proud of the work that we've already done down here in Puerto Rico. And it's all possible thanks to the donations that people give to the charity on a regular basis, including people like you. Now, I am not here to ask for money. However, I am going to start doing something. If you look to the side of my blog, you are going to see a link to a GoFundMe. That GoFundMe is for the recovery efforts that you can donate to from anywhere. Whether you read this on your phone, your tablet, or your computer; you can all click on it and donate to the charity.

Your donations are badly needed, and truly are appreciated as they help us make a difference in the world for our fellow Americans. And that's something that I want to make clear. When you donate to help Puerto Rico recover, you're donating to help your fellow Americans recover, as that's what Puerto Ricans are. They may not live in states, but we are Americans. We are Americans just like those who live in the other 50 states, so if you feel like donating; just know that your money will never go to waste down here in Puerto Rico. The money that you donate will help your fellow Americans survive and thrive in a society that is badly in need of help as we all make sure that they can recover and start anew down here in Puerto Rico. But, enough about donating; and back to what I plan on doing with this blog in the future, and what us moving down here means for the future posts you'll see. Yes, I am going to continue writing my blog for all those who are wondering if this is the last I am going to be writing for you all. And I am proud to say that, no; this is not the last time that you guys are going to hear from me and Matt for the long run. Rather, it's the exact opposite of what's going to happen in the future.

I mean, we do want to keep getting the donations; so, we've decided to continue posting to the blog. Plus, we have friend sand family back home whom have asked us to keep them updated on what we're doing; so, this is how we're going to do it. While we do not know how often (I hope to keep doing it daily), I do plan on continuing to update you all about how everything is going down here so that you can all know just what's happening with us, and what's happening in Puerto Rico. I am well aware of the fact that not everybody understands the fact that people need help down here, but I am going to work my ass off to show you guys that people just like you and me need our help; and I am also going to do it while enjoying myself with my husband. This truly is my dream life. I have the love of my life here with me, in beautiful Puerto Rico; where I'm going to be doing what I love to do more than anything in the entire world. And that's serve the people. In the past, it was serving the people of Chicago. But now, I feel like I'm being called to serve the people of Puerto Rico as we help them recover from this natural disaster which has completely ruined this city. But for now, I'm going to let you guys go. Things are about to get busy down here, and I have a bunch of things to do (other than update you guys). I hope you guys continue to wait (patiently) for every update. But for now, this is goodbye, and I can't wait to hear more from you. Thanks again.

Gabriela Casey

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