Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Well, looks like our favorite couple have their plans set for just what they're going to do today. They're going to enjoy some nice quality time in bed. How does that sound to you guys? Let me know in the review section. Now, here's Chapter 39! Thanks again for reading, and I really hope that you continue to enjoy this story as much as I do.

Gabby smiled as she found herself lying down in bed close to the man of her dreams, just holding him close to her as they both took it easy with each other this morning. Hey, they weren't even sharing a kiss with each other; but it still felt perfect as him holding her in his arms was all the wife wanted today. She wanted the man of her dreams to hold her close to his chest as they cuddled up to each other. And for Matt to be doing exactly what she wants him to do, without her having to ask him to do it, makes her smile even more; as it makes her realize just what she was going to be giving up had she gone through with divorcing Matt. But that was not what's happening now. Rather, she was here with him; and they were starting a life together in Puerto Rico. A perfect life that was going to include the children they have always dreamed of having with each other very soon. And let's just say that Gabby was ready for that to happen. She's ready to be a mom more than anybody in the entire world, in her opinion at least. And that's the only opinion that matters to her.

Well, not the only opinion that matters to her. Before this whole ordeal, she used to push Matt's opinions and concerns aside more often than she should have. But now, she actually listens to the man of her dreams; and he's very proud that she does that. She can just see it in the way he smiles at her, the way he's smiling at her right now. There's just this way that he smiles at her that makes her feel like the most special woman in his life, and that's how she loves to feel whenever they're alone; heck, it's how Matt wants to make her feel. And that's exactly what he's in the midst of doing right now, as he held her right against his chest; and that truly was the best feeling in the entire world, especially when she's (1) wearing sexy lingerie like she's wearing right now, and (2) she's slipping her legs in between his like she would when they're making love to each other. And sure, the lingerie is tight; but it still reveals the top part of her back, which is something that he likes about the lingerie that she wears for him most of the time. He likes it when it reveals her back so that he can stroke it.

There's just something about him being able to stroke her back, his wife's back, that makes him happy. It makes him smile, and that's really all he wants to do when he and Gabby are in bed with each other; well either that, or he wants to be making love to her. But today, they're not making love to each other. Rather, they're just taking it easy. And Matt can only think of one reason why they aren't talking yet. It's due to the fact that she's still waking up. Well, he has a way to wake her up; and Gabby's going to love it. Moving his hand to Gabby's back, Matt tugged her right against his chest and smirked at the woman he loves more than anything. Looking at Matt after he did that, Gabby smiled as she put her hands on Matt's back and stared into his eyes. "I have to say, that was a real turn on Mr. Casey." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that, putting his hand on her hip. "Oh, was it now Ms. Casey?" Gabby smiled when Matt used her marital last name, the last name that she's stared to go by all the time now; even the charity has agreed to call her Gabriela Casey instead of Dawson.

"You're happy that I'm finally using that last name, aren't you Matt?" Matt nodded as he ran his finger up and down Gabby's back. "Yeah, I do. It really has made a difference in my opinion." Gabby agreed with her loving husband when he told her that, moving her hand to his arm. "You want to know what else has made a world of difference?" Matt nodded when Gabby asked him whether he wants to know what else has made a difference. "What else has made a difference baby?" Gabby smiled at the man of her dreams when he asked her that. "My loving husband being here with me in Puerto Rico. I know that you wanted to be in Chicago, but..." Matt shook his head before putting his hand on her neck. Bending down, he proceeded to kiss the woman of his dreams softly. "Hey, that's not the truth. I want to be with you today, tomorrow and for the rest of our life. And that's the case even more now than ever. Last time I checked, I'm going to be a dad. And that's why I'm here with you, because this is where my daughters are going to be born." Gabby smiled.

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