(128) Valentine's Day - Part One

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Hi Readers: There's a couple things I want to address before I start. First things first, I want to apologize for starting so late today; I have been busy with other things, and my uncle was here visiting. Now, on other matters. You may have noticed that I recently deleted chapters, chapters which were in fact written about Matt coming back from a trip. However, I got lost from that plotline; so, I have decided to try something else, something that might lead to future good chapters. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 14, 2019 – Casey Primary Suite Bathroom
Her husband was currently on a business trip, on the most romantic day of the year; but he promised her, that they would celebrate this weekend when she came back. And that made her feel (somewhat) better. But still, it was still hard; waking up alone in bed on Valentine's Day was definitely not something that she was going to be okay with next year, and she was going to have to talk to her husband about that when he comes back tomorrow. Yes, he's coming back the day after Valentine's Day; and she was not happy about that. I mean, of course she's happy that he's coming back; but she just wishes that he was back today. She wanted to have her husband hold her in bed today, and have her man just taking it easy with her while lavishing her with kisses. Heck, she was sure that Alex and Stella felt the same way; after all, her husband was not the only one who was currently on business right now. Rather, their husbands (Jay and Kelly) were on business with him.

And just where might've that business trip have taken them? Well, it took them back home to Chicago, the Windy City; and the Blackhawks had a home game on February 13th, so they just HAD to go to it since they were in town. Didn't matter that this was her and Matt's last Valentine's Day as just husband and wife. It didn't matter that Gabby was nearing the end of her second trimester (she already told Matt that he's stuck in Hawaii during her third trimester). So, she understood the business trip. But she knew that he was done already, and that the only reason he stayed in Chicago was due to the fact that there was a Blackhawks game last night. At least, that was what she thought was happening. Rather, it wasn't the truth. The truth of the matter was that he was back in Hawaii; he was home, as was Kelly. (Stella ended up staying here with her during Matt's business trip). So, they were going to spend the day together; and that was going to be okay with her.

Well, it was the best that she could get since both of their husbands were gone; what she really wanted, was that her husband would be here with her today. And that was something that Gabby didn't know about, that her husband was actually here. All she knew, was that he asked her mom to run her a bath this morning; and that it was already ready for her when she woke up, so she definitely decided to go take said bath before it got cold (she ended up having to add a bit more hot water). But now, it was absolutely perfect; and it was really nice of her husband to have told her mom to run her a bath, a bath that she was now taking this morning. And it was perfect. But the truth was, this was not the most perfect thing that was going to happen today; as there was another surprise that her husband had for her, one that they were both going to enjoy. One that only he could do for her. Now, did you really think that Matt would stay away on Valentine's Day?

A day where he and Gabby can enjoy time together? Of course, Matt wouldn't do that, are you stupid? Rather, her mom was the one who was not here today. He asked her to go somewhere else for the entire weekend, and he ended up staying in her room last night (which was why Gabby didn't think that Matt was home right now). But now, she was going to learn that he was in fact home; and she was going to learn that by getting a nice massage, before he asked her if she was okay with him joining her in the bath this morning (he was sure that she was going to be okay). I mean, he's home and that's going to be really nice; they are going to take it easy, and they are just going to enjoy each other this Valentine's Day. Walking into the bathroom in his towel after hearing Gabby's music begin, Matt smirked due to the fact that he was ready to just join the woman he loves in the bath; and that was exactly what he's going to do right now, join her in the bath.

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