(135) Valentine's Day - Part Eight

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Hi readers, and welcome to another day of chapters: I hope that y'all have been enjoying the story so far, and that you guys really did enjoy the vow renewal (and the horrible surprise guests). But now, it's time for a bit of romance this Valentine's Day (and a couple conversations). If you want them, you got them. Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five; a re-written chapter that was previously posted. However, I have decided to do things a bit differently. Enjoy.

Casey Penthouse, Casey Headquarters
After having a quick meal, and shared a nice dance with each other, Mr. and Ms. Casey decided to make their way upstairs; even though they truly did enjoy the wedding reception that they were having, they just needed to be alone right now. And there was a reason for that. And that was due to the drama that happened downstairs. After having dealt with all that drama, Gabby was just exhausted; and she needed to be alone with her husband, so that she could try and no concentrate on the drama. Yes, try and not concentrate on the drama, which was something that she was not doing very well. Rather, it was on her mind, and it will probably stay on her mind for a while. The specific drama that she was thinking about? Well, that would be that Sylvie had the audacity to come to their vow renewal; and then, she said that she always had feelings for Matt. That just bothered her more than anything in the entire world, especially because of the timeline.

Sylvie telling people that she always had feelings for Matt, since the minute she met him really hurt her; especially since she and Matt were engaged when she met Matt. Still, she did try her best to not think about it; but that wasn't possible when she's the woman who (somewhat) ruined their vow renewal. But there was something that she already knew was going to happen today, and that was that her husband was going to try and change her mind. And that was something Matt actually planned on doing starting right now, as he walked into his and Gabby's room this afternoon. Looking at his wife while he carried their bags into their room, Matt took a while proceeding to set their bags (which contained their favorite clothes) down on the bed; the clothes that Matt knew Gabby was going to be very happy that he brought for her, as they were the only clothes that they wore on a regular basis. If they needed to wear other clothes, they already had some here.

Yes, Matt already filled their some with some clothes (and undergarments) that they can wear now that they'll be living here for a bit. I mean, if she wants to live here for a bit; that was his original plan after all, but that can easily change based on the new situation that they find themselves in. And what situation would that be? Well, that would be that Sylvie came here; if that makes Gabby not want to live here, then they can go back to their bigger home, the home that they have been living in ever since they moved to Hawaii. However, for the moment; Matt is going to work on the assumption that they're going to be staying here for a while. Still, that is something that he plans on talking to Gabby about as he made his way over to her while still wearing his suit. "I thought that this view was definitely something that you'd enjoy looking out at each and every morning as you woke up, in our bed." Turning around to look at her loving husband, Gabby took a breath.

"Sorry I ruined today." Matt just looked at his girl when she mentioned that she ruined today, because that was definitely not the case; in fact, he was just horrified that she even thought that she ruined today. After all, that was the furthest from the truth. If anybody ruined today, it was Sylvie; her being here (and saying those things) was the worst thing that could've happened, and that wasn't fair to either of them. "Hey, I don't want you to ever say that you ruined today, because you didn't ruin today. Please baby, just take a breath, and relax for me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, doing just that for him this afternoon as she watched him walk over to her while still wearing his suit; but she couldn't help but notice that he was smirking at her. "Okay, why are you smirking?" Matt's smirk soon turned into a smile when Gabby asked him why he was smirking. "It's due to the fact that I'm happy, happy to be here with the woman I love more than anything."

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