Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of that last dream chapter that I just wrote for you guys? Do you think that's how we should start their days at home? Let me know in the comments or send me a message. However, I am not going to waste more time than I need to; because I have something else that I need to do instead, and I need to write my 500,000th word in this story. I still can't believe that I have written this much, and I truly am impressed in just how much I have written for you guys; and this is before I even get to the kids. Now, here's Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five.

The dream that she just had was incredible, and it was something special; something special that's put the biggest smile on her face as she laid down on Matt's chest shortly after waking up from the nap that she and Matt took together this morning. But now that she was awake, there was one thing that Gabby really wanted to do right now; she wanted to tell Matt about the dream and see what he thought about it. She just has this feeling that he's going to enjoy the dream as much as she did, and it's going to be so special when she sees the reaction on his face. But for now, she was just going to take it easy and think about the dream that she just had; she was going to visualize how things were laid out in her dream, and how they would be laid out in their bedroom as it's currently set up. "Ok, that dresser is going to have to move over." Hearing this wife talk this morning, Matt wrapped his arm around Gabby before pressing his lips against her forehead. "Did you hurt yourself on your way back to bed baby? Oh god, did you have some more morning sickness. Baby, you should've woken..." Rolling off of Matt's chest, Gabby shook her head. "Hey, that's not at all what happened baby."

Rolling over onto his side too, Matt smiled as he looked at the woman he loves while moving nice and close to her. Afterwards, Gabby proceeded to put her hand on Matt's chest and just smiled as she felt him cover her hand with his. Stroking it with his thumb, Matt smirked as he slipped even closer to her (well, as close as he can when she's pregnant); which led to Gabby slipping her legs in between his. And let's just say that he really liked that feeling, as it was a nice feeling. Matt always loves it when Gabby slips her legs in between his, and it's a real turn on. But that's not what he needs to think about right now. Rather, he needs to think about just how gorgeous his beautiful wife is; and what she wants to talk to him about. "So, I heard you had a dream...." Gabby snickered a bit when Matt proceeded to start the conversation in such a manner, as she thought it was the perfect way for him to star the conversation. Leaning in, Gabby smiled as she kissed the man she loves softly; just taking things slow with Matt, Gabby smirked as this life they have truly is perfect. And even better, there's nobody that Gabby would rather be spending time with right now other than her loving husband.

But right now, she needs to tell Matt about the dream that she just had. "It was about the end of May." Matt just looked at Gabby when she said that. "Oh god, why didn't you wake me up right away baby? Wait, why are you smiling? That fight was...." Gabby then realized what he was thinking, so she stopped him. "Hey, take a breath and breathe baby. That's not what I am talking about. God, I should've been clearer. Please, this is a happy time; don't think backwards, think forwards." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that, ready to hear that she dreamed about. "Ok, so I am going to tell you which May I am thinking about. I am talking about the end of this May. As in, May of 2019." Matt then thought about what could be happening at that time, and that just brought a huge smile to his face. And that, that idea brought the biggest smile to Matt's face as it was exactly what he wanted to think about right now. The end of May 2019, when they bring their sons home. "Okay, I'm sorry I thought that way." Gabby agreed with Matt when he apologized for thinking backwards. "It's okay, I should've made it much clearer which May I was talking about." Matt agreed with Gabby, smiling at the woman he adores.

"Or I should've realized right away that you would never talk about that month ever again; the worst month in our marriage." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that. "Ah, I would say May of 2017 still takes that prize." Matt thought about it, and just nodded in agreement. "Oh definitely. I almost died, and I said goodbye to you. However, we agreed that I did the right thing at the end of the day. That I wanted to say goodbye, and one last I love you. Right?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as he leaned in and then proceeded to kiss his beautiful wife softly. "Okay, so now that we have that cleared up; how about you talk to me about your dream, the one that you had about the end of May 2019." Gabby smiled when Matt asked her that, ready to do just that. "So, it was the day we got home from the hospital. The kids were asleep in their cribs, and I was doing this with my loving husband." Putting her hand on Matt's face, Gabby leaned in and kissed him once again. "And that was something I really enjoyed dreaming about." Matt smiled.

"I like the idea of dreaming about that too, because it means that we're really believing that it's going to happen. I know that there's still stuff that can go wrong, but..." Gabby looked at Matt when he mentioned that, getting a bit worried. "Hey, what's going on Matt? Talk to me." Matt took a breath when his wife asked him to talk to her about what he had going on in his mind, which he knew that he had to. "I'm just worried. I'm scared that something's going to happen. I guess...I am just trying not to get my hopes up after last time. I mean, I know the doctors say they're all healthy; and they're giving us every single assurance that we're going to have kids at the end of the pregnancy but..." Grabbing her husband's hand, Gabby proceeded to intertwine their fingers. "You're still worried that what happened last time, might happen again." Matt took a breath when he heard Gabby tell him that, hating that he was even thinking that way; as it was a horrible feeling to be dealing with, especially when he's trying to be positive and not think about the worst thing that could possibly happen.

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