(84) Girl, It Wasn't Yesterday

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Hello Readers:
What did you guys think of Kelly and Stella's arrival at Casa Casey today? Well, I hope you liked it. Sorry by the way for the low updates again. I ended up re-writing one chapter to make it more readable, and then I wrote a really long chapter eighty-three. So, that's why you're going to have a low update date. I hope that you guys are okay with that because that means that you guys are going to have longer chapters rather than short ones. Now, let's get back to it. Here's eighty-four.

Making his way back downstairs shortly after bringing Kelly and Stella's bags up to their room, Matt smiled as he prepared to walk into his and Gabby's living room this morning with the hopes of seeing both his wife and her best friend deep in conversation. But that wasn't what he saw. Rather, he saw his wife alone in the living room all cuddled up to the couch seemingly tired; and that worried him, as he thought that this might be too much for her already. I mean, of course he wants their best friends to be here with them; there's nowhere he'd rather they be. But that doesn't mean that he's going to subject his wife to more than she can take. And right now, it looks like she's already doing that as she looks tired. Taking a breath, Matt proceeded to make his way into the living room so that he could talk to his wife this morning and see whether she was doing okay at this morning. "Hey." Turning her head to look at her husband, Gabby smiled at the sight of him. "You get their bags up to their room?" Matt agreed with his wife, smiling as he just made his way over to her today.

While he was trying to put on a brave face for her, Matt was really a bit worried for his wife; and Gabby knew it, because they've both gotten really good at reading each other throughout the pregnancy. "What's bothering you Matt?" Matt took a breath when he heard Gabby ask him that, before moving to sit down next to her and moving his hand to her stomach. "I'm just wondering where Stella is and why she isn't here right now." Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her that, having felt that was what he was worried about. He's so easy to read, and she just loves that part of him. Another thing that she loves? Just how much he truly cares for her. If he has to choose between her and his best friend, he always ends up choosing her. But that's not something that Gabby should be surprised about, as she's his wife; and he loves her more than anything in the entire world. If anything, she should want him to choose her first as they are husband and wife; they always put each other first, along with their marriage. Just taking a breath, Matt looked at his girl this morning to talk to  her.

"What's wrong baby? Why do you look so tired right now?" Gabby took a breath when Matt asked her why she looks so tired right now, because that's exactly what she was. She was a bit tired, and that's due to the fact that she ended up having a rough night again; which was another thing that Matt already knew...but he didn't want to make her thing that he wasn't going to believe her when she tells him that she's fine. He knows that's what she's going to tell him already, and he doesn't want to make her believe that he isn't going to listen to her. Yet, at the same time; he does have eyes, and he does also have concerns for his wife. And one thing is clear to him right now. If this is too much for his girl, then he doesn't want her to push herself. Rather, he wants her to take it easy and just relax for the sake of their children; the children that they both want more than anything in the entire world. That's their priority. And that's something that the couple both know at the end of the day, that their children need to be their priority when they are trying to take it easy both together and alone.

"I thought you and Kelly were going to the beach today?" Matt smiled when Gabby asked him that. "Kelly's taking a nap because he stayed up most of the flight, so that means Stella is stuck here for a bit. Now, I was going to get groceries...but I only want to do it if you're okay." That's when Matt heard Stella come into the living room, carrying some eggs for her best friend. "Your mom is going to keep making her entire breakfast, but she just whipped up some eggs quickly. She was already making an egg casserole I guess?" Gabby smiled when she heard Stella say that, loving her mom's egg casserole. However, hearing that made Matt more concerned rather than okay. Instead, he was worried as Camila should know that taking an hour to make breakfast isn't okay. Gabby needs to have food quickly now, especially when she's tired. Putting his hand on the top of his wife's head, Matt proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. "If you want to go lay down in bed, then you can go do that baby. I promise that I will bring breakfast up to you." Gabby smiled as she looked at Matt this morning.

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