(132) Valentine's Day - Part Five: Pre-Vow Renewal, Part One

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Hi Readers: I just wanted to give you a heads up that this chapter is going to seem out of the blue. I just thought of the idea, and I really wanted to do it. I hope you understand, and that you think it makes sense. If it doesn't, just go with it. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy Part Five of Valentine's Day 2019; their last one as just husband and wife.

To say that Stella and Alex weren't too amused with their husbands' boss was an understatement. Why in the world did he think that he could just hijack their Valentine's Day, and bring them here? Here, to show off one of his new homes. One of the new homes that he recently purchased for his wife, with some of the money that he inherited. I mean, it was a gorgeous home; but they were just so confused right now as to why they were told to come here, today of all days. I mean, they are supposed to be getting romantic with their husbands today; not spending the day at their (future) place of work. They just have yet to tell their husbands that, because they seem really happy for their friends. But this was done, they needed answers; and if Stella wasn't going to do anything about it, then Alex was. Pushing the stop button on the elevator, Alex decided to say what she and Stella were thinking out loud. She needed to get some answers from her husbands.

"Okay, listen. I get that you need to work sometimes. And I have tried to not question this, because I know you were excited; and I know that you guys wanted to show off the new digs. But you know what, this is my first Valentine's Day married to you Jay. I'm sorry but, who are you...and what have you done with my husband? Last time I checked, I was wearing lingerie for you; and I was hoping to get laid, and pregnant with our first kid today..." Alex then turned to look at Stella. "No offence of course Stella, I am so sorry that I needed to say that." Stella agreed with Alex, understanding. "No, it's fine. Anyways, I was ready to try again too; so yes, me and Alex both need answers as to why we're here." Jay took a breath when he heard the both of them say that. "I know, and you both deserve it." Stella agreed with the corporate executive. "Damn straight we do, especially when Gabby is supposed to be resting; and she's supposed to come here to be with us?"

Kelly took a breath as he turned to look at Stella, knowing that he's going to be in a lot of trouble. "Listen, let's just take you to the floor; and then we can explain. Please, just let us explain by taking you up there." Stella looked at her husband, confused. "Jay, push the damn stop button and keep us going please; I don't want to get in trouble with my wife." Jay agreed with Kelly when he said that, proceeding to push the button. At the same time, Kelly turned to look kat Alex; the woman whom he grew up with. "Alex, trust me when I say this; but we need to be here for this, because this is something that Matt needs us for." Alex just groaned. "Seriously? He needs here to show off the building? Why in the world..." That's when the elevator reached the right floor, and the doors opened; which prompted Stella to interrupt Alex. "Holy wedding." Alex then turned to look onto the floor, leading her husband out into the space that they just got onto today.

Just walking out and looking around, Alex and Stella were both confused, which prompted them both to look at their husbands. "Wait, a second." Alex then looked at Jay. "Did you rent this space so that we could..." Jay then put his hands up. "Oh hell no, I already got chewed up by your father while I was in Chicago." Jay then turned to look at Kelly. "Because someone couldn't ignore his request to finally take him up on his meal, after his father died. Oh, I got chewed up for getting married in Vegas; without him being present, so don't you dare think that this is me. Alex, if you want a vow renewal...then you're going to have to initiate that, because you're telling your dad." Alex thought about it and agreed with her husband. "Okay." Stella then looked at Kelly. "And you, did ask Matt to do this for us?" Kelly shook his head when Stella said that. "Oh, hell no, this is no for us either. Rather, it's for a couple who deserve it before they have their twins." Stella then smiled.

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