(68) Casey Beach Day - Part Two

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Hello Readers: I know that I started something last chapter I am well aware is probably not the most realistic thing. However, I have decided to stick with it because it means that I have more freedom when it comes to what I can do with our favorite couple (and in the future, our favorite family). If you guys have any ideas that this could lead to, I would love to head them because I love to interact with my fans; and I love taking ideas from you guys. Now, I am not going to waste time speaking to you guys in this note longer than I have to; especially not when you guys are here for a specific reason. And that reason is because you want to keep reading about Matt and Gabby's Journey to Parenthood. So, let's do just that.

Note: I have also included a blog post in this chapter, so know that the actual chapter and the blog post are in one.

The beach that they had behind their home in Hawaii was beautiful. The view of the ocean that they had was beautiful. That's the only way that Gabby could now describe how this new life that she and Matt are starting for themselves can be. It's beautiful, it's perfect, and it's going to be exactly what the both of them want for the rest of their lives; and only one thing will ever be able to make that better, and that's them having children together. Well, lucky for the both of them; that is already on its way as well due to the fact that Gabby is (as you know) pregnant with their twins. And that's something that Matt is very happy about. Matt has always wanted to have children, and them having twins is just the first part of something that they can now have; they can have a large family, which is something that the couple are going to talk about.

But not right now, as Gabby is already pregnant with their first children; their first twins, which is especially nice. But these kids were not the last of their kids, as they are going to have many more; and Matt hopes that they can have twin girls next. But they aren't going to talk about that because Gabby is still pregnant, and is not going to get pregnant again for a while after they have their twins; and that's because they're going to have to figure this all out. "So, are we going to share this with more people?" Turning his head, Matt smiled as he continued to lead her to the beach before nodding. "We'll have to figure out how and when we'll do it, but we can make donations. Honestly, I have no idea what else we can do other than own this place. Heck, I am shocked that my dad had a home out there that I got to inherit." Gabby agreed with Matt.

"I know, this is just perfect; and there's nowhere that I would rather be with you right now." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby say that, proceeding to get closer to her before wrapping his arm around her shoulders; turning his head, Matt then bent down and proceeded to kiss the top of her head as a way to make her feel special. And that's exactly how Gabby feels whenever Matt kisses her, regardless of where he kisses her; and that includes all over the lower part of her body. They've started to explore a bit more, but Gabby put a stop to it because she was not enjoying it; and Matt completely understood, so he stopped. But now, they are just going to enjoy themselves at the beach. And let's just say that Gabby is already enjoying herself a bit as she's currently looking at her husband's bulge, which is really sexy in the tight wetsuit.

"Hey, calm down Ms. Casey; you don't need to stare because I'm already yours. And that's a guarantee due to the fact that you're currently pregnant with our children." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, laughing a bit as she really loves what he just said; he's just so funny at times, and she's glad they are on their way to the beach right now as they are really going to enjoy this time. "I know that I'm also going to enjoy watching you change out of your wetsuit, and into your swim trunks later." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, well aware that was probably going to be one of her favorite parts of watching her husband change out of his wetsuit while they're on the beach; the part where he's going to be in his boxers for a bit, because that's something that she's really enjoying lately as she is very hormonal on a daily basis.

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