(122) Confidentiality and Salary Agreements

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last chapter? Do you like that I now have Jay in the story? How about the name of his new wife? But on another note, I am just starting to realize that I have been writing this story for a month; and that's a big deal for me, as I haven't been able to write a story for this long in a while. Prior to me starting my previous story (Matt & Gabby's Second Chance), I had a bit of writer's block. But now, I am doing much better (as you can tell); and I am so proud of the fact that I am now here at the Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two. Speaking of Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two, what do you say we get to it? Enjoy readers.

They were finally all gathered together, all of the employees and board members of Casey. And today was a monumental day, as today was the start of something new; something fresh, and something that was going to be exciting. However, it was also the start something that they were going to have to deal with. And that was why people were all seated together in the dining room of his home, rather than in the living room of his home before they started working. There was something that they all needed to sign, including his own brother-in-law. And what might that be? Well, that would be an employment contract and a confidentiality agreement. Yes, that was what they were going to be signing today. And he just hopes that everybody understands why they need to sign these contracts, which put their relationships in a murky situation. As much as he wants to be their friend at times, Matt is something else at the end of the day: Matt is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Casey. That means that he's their boss, and that's what this contract signifies.

It's the official start of their employment here at Casey. And that was why they were all here today, so that they can work on the company. Just taking a breath, Matt walked into the dinning room of his home (which was going to double as their boardroom for now). Smiling at everybody, Matt looked at them all. "Well, if this isn't a nice sight?" Smiling as she looked at her husband, Gabby was happy and proud of what was happening today. Today was the start of something new. At the same time, Antonio looked at his brother-in-law. "Okay, so what are we doing here? I thought we'd be in your office working today?" Kelly agreed with the Latino, turning to look at his best friend. "We are. However, there's something else that we need to do first. And unfortunately, right now...you are not going to like me." Kelly looked at me as I said that. "What are you doing? Putting us in line." Matt took a breath as he walked over to the table, ready to do this. "Gabby, you already know about this remember?" Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I know; and I'll sign one too." Matt agreed and smiled.

Walking over to her first, Matt smiled as he set his envelope down in front of her. "Here you go." Gabby agreed with Matt, watching as he went ahead and gave the same manila envelope to each of the people who were currently gathered at the table in front of him. Smiling, he then proceeded to make his way back around the table so that he can sit next to his wife, Deputy Chairwoman Gabriela Casey. "Before we begin, I want to just say this right now. Right now, we are doing business. Right now, I am your boss; and you are my employees. While we are working, that is the relationship that you are all expected to adhere to. Kelly, I am the Chief Executive Officer. I am your boss, and the person who pays your salary. Is that understood?" Kelly agreed with his best friend when he said that, well aware of why he was saying that; this is going to be one of those hard conversations that they have with each other with regards the company, and it will not be personal. "Therefore, I can say that this conversation will not be personal; it is strictly business." Everybody agreed with me.

Sitting down next to Gabby, Matt took a breath as he looked at everybody. "Okay, so how about you guys all open the envelopes? Then, we can talk about them if you have any objections." Everybody agreed with the new CEO, proceeding to open the envelopes that were in front of everybody here this morning. Going to look at it, they all went ahead and read the name of the document. [Name of Individual] Confidentiality and Salary Agreement. Looking up, Antonio looked up at Matt. "You want us to sign confidentiality agreements?" Matt took a breath when Antonio asked him that. "Do you not trust us..." Matt then looked at his brother-in-law. "God, of course I trust you Antonio. You know I do. But this is just something that I need to do. Like I said, this isn't personal; this is something that creates an employment relationship in between all of us. Now, I get that you don't like the idea of a confidentiality agreement; however, I think that it would be something that we need to have for the sake of our company. Let me say that once again. This is just what happens when you join a company."

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