Chapter Ninety-Two

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Hope you enjoyed the first chapter that I posted for you guys today. Now, let's get to the second one. Chapter Ninety-Two.

His hand was nice and smooth as she felt her loving husband run it up and down her side as a way to just keep the woman of his dreams close to him as they floated in the pool, the pool where he desperately craves to make love to his gorgeous wife this morning. Yet, at the same time, he knew that they should do that. Rather, he needs to just relax and keep things calm in between himself in his wife. Yet, he's finding that task much harder by the moment based on the fact that he truly has the most gorgeous pregnant wife in the entire world. And he's not just saying that because he wants to make love to her later (he does). Rather, he's saying it because it's the truth; just like it's the truth that Gabby believes that Matt is the most handsome man in the entire world, and that she wants to make love to him as well. But not right now, not in the pool where they know that they're going to be disturbed at any moment by her mother. Well, maybe not any moment.

Rather, the couple truly believe that her mother is currently in the midst of taking a long overdue nap in her room; a nap that she believes is completely related to the betrayal that she just learned her son did against his sister. Gabby just hates that she has to put her mom in the awkward position that she now finds herself, the one where she has to choose; where she has to choose between supporting her pregnant daughter, or supporting her recovering alcoholic son. And that's why she was just glad to be in the pool with Matt right now, as it gave her a chance to just relax and take it easy. To try and not think about what's on her mind right now, especially when it doesn't exactly concern her. Rather, it concerned her mom and brother; it doesn't concern her, and the only concern that she had right now was her husband and the food that he was currently feeding her. Yes, they were also in the midst of eating some lunch as well. Her mom made them some hot dogs.

But they decided not to eat them on buns, as it means that Matt can feed her with his fork; which was exactly what her husband was in the midst of doing in the moment. Taking a bite of the hot dog that her husband just fed her, Gabby smiled as she thought about how this was perfect practice for something that her husband was going to have to do in the future. To be more specific, she's talking about when they have young boys. As you all know, a child can't feed him or herself without the help of their mom or dad for a while; especially when they are just babies. So, this is going to be their future for a long time, where they are going to be feeding their sons all the time. Sure, she's going to try and give them as much as her breastmilk that she can, but she's not sure if that's going to be all that possible based on the fact that she's only going to be able to pump so much while she's also trying to relax after giving birth to her children. Children she has to hide from Stella.

Yes, she's going to hide them at first after what she just heard about her best friend; and it's something that she still has on her mind, even though she would much rather be concentrating on her hunky husband as he holds and feeds her in the pool this afternoon. That's when Gabby heard him set the fork that he was using down on the plate and start leaving soft kisses on her neck. And that definitely made sure to get her attention as she moaned for the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. Smirking as he heard her moan, Matt just went ahead and proceeded to kiss his wife's neck softly as a way to make sure that she was concentrating on him at the moment rather than anything else. It's what she needs to do right now rather than worry about things that she can't control, which he knows that she's thinking about. Leaning back, Matt stared into Gabby's eyes before smirking as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves softly.

Wrapping her arms around Matt's neck this morning, Gabby smirked as she took things nice and slow with him; and let's just say that this is everything that she wants at the moment, as it's giving her the perfect distraction that she needs from what she was thinking about. Moving Gabby up in his arms again, Matt wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and wrapped his arm tightly around his back; turning around in the pool, Matt smirked as he proceeded to swim to the center so that he could concentrate on the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; which is definitely something that she needs at the moment, as she is stuck on concentrating on something else right now. He just knows that's the case, as she isn't exactly concentrating on him; which is what she should be doing rather than thinking about her brother, as that's what Matt wants her to do as well as her husband. He wants all of her attention on him right now, and she knows it.

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