(139) Gabby Dream: Valentine's Day 2020 - Part Two: Family Home

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Hi Readers: What did you think of the last chapter/dream chapter that I just wrote for you guys? I hope you enjoyed it even though it was shorter than normal. Now, I am not sure if you realized this based on the title of the last chapter; but there is going to be a second part to that dream, and that would be this chapter here. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks!

Friday, February 14, 2020 – Casey Family Home, Honolulu
They decided to come spend some time together at their 'family' home. That would be, the home that is not a penthouse on top of their headquarters; rather, it was the home where they felt at east most of the time. It was the place where they could really just relax, and concentrate on their family; which is why they actually spend every weekend here. They come here, get away from the office (which is right under their penthouse); and just take time to concentrate on each other, as well as their sons Matteo and Gabriel. And that was exactly what the couple were currently in the midst of doing, as they sat down in the living room of their home; with Gabriel and Matteo taking their naps in their cots that they have in here. At the same time, it gave Matt and Gabby just some time to take it easy as they hold each other close on the couch.

Sure, could the family be in their bedroom right now? Of course they could, as that was something they enjoyed doing; but it was not what they wanted to do right now, as they just wanted to spend some time as a family while their boys napped. Plus, Matt already got sex at the office; and that meant that he can wait until later to have more sex, especially since Gabby needs a nap. In fact, that's exactly what the wife is doing right now as she lays down in Matt's arms on the couch. And even better, she was laying down in a way that allowed her ear to be against his chest (in a great spot to listen to his heartbeat). And that truly was incredible, as Matt's heartbeat always just puts her to sleep whenever she can. However, that slumber was soon interrupted by the sound of her little boy yelling out a bit from right next to her; not that she could complain.

Yes, they ended up moving their cots onto the couch; that way, they can hold them close and just make sure that they're okay quite easily. This was instead of them having to go up. Quickly waking up when she heard Gabriel make some noises, she got worried; that was, until she saw that Matt was just tickling him a bit to make him smile. "Yeah, you like it when daddy tickles you and makes you happy. I'm sorry that you aren't feeling the best right now buddy, but I hope it goes away soon." Just staying quiet as she laid her head down on Matt's heart once again, Gabby snuggled herself into his chest as a way to relax; and that was definitely something that she needed right now, especially with the stress that she finds herself under right now. Matt and Gabby have both been dancing around this topic, but she thinks that she needs to talk about it.

Taking a breath, Gabby decided to bring it up in a subtle way. "Is the shipping crisis that some of our manufacturing plants related to COVID-19?" Sighing, Matt didn't exactly enjoy the fact that this was something that they were going to talk about; but he had a feeling that this was one of the reasons, one of the reasons that Gabby specifically asked him if they could come here for a while. Turning his head, Matt pressed his lips against Gabby's forehead as he knew that he couldn't exactly ignore this question that he was getting from his wife; especially not when it's related to her business, her clothing line. "Yeah, I spoke to some of the suppliers...and that's something that's really screwing them up." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, having thought that was something that was probably affecting their supply chain problems.

Gabby then took a breath, as she didn't want to think this way; yet, she still did as that was who she was. "Matt, I need to ask you something." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, turning his head to kiss her forehead softly. "Always baby, what is it?" Gabby took a breath. "Can we work from here during the pandemic? I mean, if what's happening in China comes here. If we're put under lockdown, then I don't want to be stuck at the office; I want to be here at home, where we have a lot more space. I want to be able to just have the space we need to go for a swim, and have places where we can be alone; where we aren't always tiptoeing all over the boys. I mean, I love the penthouse; but I think that..." Running his hand up and down Gabby's back, Matt kissed her forehead softly as a way to make her relax right now; as she needed to.

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