Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last chapter? I hope you guys enjoyed it because I know I did. But now, how about we keep this story going with Chapter 27 at the beach. Time to get to the beach and a bunch of fun.

When Matt promised his wife that his wet suit was going to cling to his body, she didn't know just how much it was going to cling to his body; because that was exactly what was happening right now as he came out of the water after checking whether the waves were strong enough for surfing. (Apparently, you can just go in and check before you even get in with your surfboard). And lucky for Matt, the waves were strong enough; so, that meant that he was going to be surfing today. Well, after he does something for his wife. One think that he did promise her that he would do is put sunscreen all over that gorgeous body of hers, and he knew that she was ready for him to just that based on the way that she was staring at him right now. More specifically, how she was staring at his bulge right now. She was getting turned on, and that turned him on; and she knew it. So, that was why he was going to have to do something to get some more revenge; and turn her on.

Well, maybe. After all, he did already make her mad once today; he doesn't want to push it since that may mean that he doesn't get sex from his wife today, and he definitely will not be putting that at risk when they want to have a baby. God, just the idea of them having a baby of their own was really starting to make the (hypothetical) future father smile. Another thing that was making him smile? The way his wife was looking at him, as he walked out of the ocean in his wet-suit clad body right now; and the way she was looking at him just let him know for sure that her hormones were going crazy. And that was like him hitting the jackpot for later. He now knew that he was going to be getting lucky later, and there was no stopping that. But first, they just needed to take it easy; and he needed to get some exercise, as he wanted to make sure that he did get some today. He wants to get some exercise to make sure that everything is all stretched for tonight.

God, just thinking about them being in bed together is turning him on; so, he's going to have to stop and just concentrate on what he has right now, his gorgeous wife looking at him in that fine bikini that she's wearing right now. It really is something, and he's very happy over the fact that she's currently wearing it for him. He has a feeling that he's going to want to help her up for a minute, so that he can get a kiss; and he has a feeling that she's going to want that too, because she always likes to get kisses from the man she loves. She loves it when he wraps his arms around her, and just holds her against his body. She loves it when they have fun with each other, and just take it easy with each other; and that was exactly what the couple were in the midst of doing, even though they weren't all over each other in bed. They were still having a bunch of fun with each other, and that was perfect. He's so happy to be here, with the woman of his dreams.

Now, just to get her blushing as he prepares to flirt with her a bit; and he knows the perfect way to flirt with his girl, to mention the fact that she's staring at him (and that she can't deny it). "So, on a scale of 1-10; do I look good enough for you to take home to bed?" Gabby just looked up at her husband when he said that, shocked that he would even say a think like that; let alone here, on the beach where they're in public with each other. She gets that he wants to flirt with her, but not here. I mean, is he crazy. "Matthew!" Matt laughed when he heard Gabby say that, well aware that she was no impressed with what he just told her; I mean, she did call him 'Matthew'. And she only used his full name when she's mad at him. So, if she's using his full name, then he knows that she's in trouble. "Oh, relax baby. You need to let me flirt with you sometimes." Putting his hand out to his wife, he wanted her to get up so that they can share a kiss quickly before he surfs this morning.

Not missing what he wants, Gabby smiled as she grabbed his hand and got up so that they could do exactly what he wants to do quickly; tugging her up so that she's standing close to him, Matt smiled when he felt Gabby put her hands on his chest. Stepping really close to her, Matt brought her bikini-clad body against his while kissing her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, Matt smiled as he gave her exactly what she wanted right now; she wanted him to kiss her, so that was what he was going. He was giving her sweet kisses, and they were having a bunch of fun with each other. And let's just say that he's glad that she's against him, because she sure is teasing him in the bikini that she's wearing right now. Damn, his wife is the most beautiful thing in the entire world; and she has to know that's a fact. And if she doesn't, then she's blind and needs to really take a second look in the mirror as she truly is beautiful; always will be.

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